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Jungling with Rammus: Bad Idea or Good?

Creator: MakoSt0rM May 27, 2011 10:54pm
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Nighthawk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 28, 2011 11:47am | Report
For the original question, Thornmail is very very good on Rammus. Generally Frozen Heart is 1000x better, but for Rammus I don't think it is. His taunt ensures they take the damage from Thornmail, as well as his DBC.

Blydden's Forum Avatar
May 23rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 29, 2011 4:15pm | Report

@OP: Jungle Rammus is fine but one major downside is that he's INCREDIBLY easy for the enemy to counter-jungle. He's not particularly fast and basically has no way to invade reliably, nor to fight an enemy jungler if he is invaded. The only thing he has going for him are his ganks - which are pretty scary.

Sorry Jebus I think you mixed up Rammus for someone else partially.

Even I, as Nunu, have a bit of a hard time counter-jungling against Rammus. He simply is capable of clearing the jungle really really fast. o-o

I think his pros are more:
+Very fast jungle clearer (3:35 according to stonewall008)
+Incredible ganking (srsly, Rammus is really a godlike ganker. He can speed by wards with his powerball and with 2 forms of being an incredibly OP taunt lol)
+Very safe jungle (powerball can mean easy getaway from most control junglers) [only weakness being an obvious optimal start point at blue]
+Hard to jungle battle against (shield, CC, did I mention you'll never catch him if he doesn't wanna be caught?)
+Easy to jungle with

Cons being:
-Obvious start point, if he can't have his blue he's hurt. (but he can still jungle, unlike Fiddlesticks)
-No innate form of self-healing. (If you didn't pack enough health pots you're in trouble)
-Awkward to jungle battle with (most of the time you'll just want to run, it'll be hard to fight back usually)

Personally, Rammus isn't my thing. However, if you wanna jungle as Rammus, it is most certainly viable. Have fun!

Oh and to answer the OP question:
Thornmail is practically core on Rammus I think, its his favorite much synergy. Randuin's Omen is good too for even more CC.

Fantastic artwork by Xiaowiriamu & TheNamelessBard!
Jebus McAzn
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 29, 2011 5:22pm | Report
@Blydden: Rammus needs Taunt in order to gank effectively, since all Rammi go WQW to start. Therefore it's incredibly easy for any strong jungler, such as Warwick/Cho'Gath/Nunu or even the lesser-used ones to Smite his big wraith and take his double golems camp, meaning that not only does Rammus not get to level 4 when he's done, but also that he falls to dangerously low health while doing Lizard.

Rammus's strength comes in his early game and his ganking, like Shaco. But unlike Shaco, if Rammus is counter-jungled, he can't gank as effectively while Shaco can have extremely scary ganks at level 2.

And if you're going to cite Stonewall, look at his jungle tier list and see where he places Rammus.
Blydden's Forum Avatar
May 23rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 30, 2011 3:30am | Report
@Jebus McAzn
Ouch, gutting me...fiercely. (And that's another good reason I haven't put you on my friend's list yet ha)

I know I know bottom tier 3 but I'm not a Rammus expert. He's still a viable jungler, its not like he's non-viable. Jeez. :((

If OP wants to Jungle Rammus, I say let him, there is worse. (Jungle MF anyone?)

Fantastic artwork by Xiaowiriamu & TheNamelessBard!
Jebus McAzn
<Retired Moderator>
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 30, 2011 1:10pm | Report
@Blydden: Well, yeah, he's not a bad jungler at all - he's just outclassed. ^_^
Nighthawk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 30, 2011 1:14pm | Report
AP Jungle MF 2gud.

I mean, fricking AoE spell that also works of spellvamp...forget Wriggles, Hextech 2gud. :P

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