Which guide would you like to see first?
I love half the champs you have chosen to do guides for, and would love to see some other opinion on them (Viktor and Varus). Viktor I love for his farm after you get his Augment: Death ("why would you get any other one?"), and usually last-hit like a frantic bunny to get it on my first back. Varus was for a long time my only ADC, and I really liked his blight passive ability. Plus, the stopping power of his ult is great against a bunching team, and usually gets at least two champs in a more spread-out engage.
For Viktor, I run a standard mage set of MPen marks, ability power flat seals (for some early power before I get his laser augment), scaling magic resist (because, well, over time the enemy mage is going to be doing more damage, so more MR over time results in hopefully less magic damage done to me) and flat AP Quints.
Varus, I am not as pleased with my runes, as my dismal amount of IP results in very little drastic change to be had. I run ArPen marks, flat AD seals (for last hitting early), scaling MR and flat AD quints (again, for last hitting).
Cant wait to see your guides for these two, and the others!
(BTW, I love the art in your signature!)
For Viktor, I run a standard mage set of MPen marks, ability power flat seals (for some early power before I get his laser augment), scaling magic resist (because, well, over time the enemy mage is going to be doing more damage, so more MR over time results in hopefully less magic damage done to me) and flat AP Quints.
Varus, I am not as pleased with my runes, as my dismal amount of IP results in very little drastic change to be had. I run ArPen marks, flat AD seals (for last hitting early), scaling MR and flat AD quints (again, for last hitting).
Cant wait to see your guides for these two, and the others!
(BTW, I love the art in your signature!)
You are going to die. But, if you are lucky, it might seem glorious. Plus, if you are Kog'Maw, Icathian Surprise all the things.
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<Altruistic Artist>