This is sad, when they want to be something and sucks... like someone will jungle, he say, please jungle, and never gank, or don't do ****... I see many players ganking only level 6... When I jungle, whenever I get a chance I gank/scare them... or they don't want to hold the lane...
but, back to the guide, both builds aren't very good, and i would chose the second [:
but, back to the guide, both builds aren't very good, and i would chose the second [:

Yeah I agree with the two above. I go for a very supportive and fairly tanky Soraka and it has worked very well. Go for the cooldown boots because if you are letting your teammates farm instead of you as you should be, it will be a long time until you hit the cooldown cap otherwise.
Svingas wrote:
Yeah I agree with the two above. I go for a very supportive and fairly tanky Soraka and it has worked very well. Go for the cooldown boots because if you are letting your teammates farm instead of you as you should be, it will be a long time until you hit the cooldown cap otherwise.
Sure, but if you can get the cap latter and change your boots is awesome, mobility would be great because you should be using Flash + CV and not ghost or teleport [:

You just want cap as soon as possible in lane to babysit your ad partner so they can practically free farm. You don't need a whole lot of mobility, just stay back.
Shurelya's + Morello's or Frozen heart + Randuin's = max CDR
Once you have that, you should prolly get merc's treads
Once you have that, you should prolly get merc's treads
That will be very far into the game. Won't help you in lane. Many games you probably wouldn't even see that.
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Want me to tank? LOL As more I play AD/AP I notice I must play tank/supporter :~
had I known no one else wanted to tank I woulda played Taric...but, no, they said they wanted Soraka =_=