^ Except instead of Black Cleaver I'd grab either Wits End or Malady for the extra damage procs on your ult.
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Jebus McAzn wrote:
Merc Treads, Bloodrazor, Black Cleaver, Sunfire, Banshee's, GA
That's what I'd run, at least.
I'd forgo BC and go straight for GA. That's just the way I like to play. Spirit Visage is cool too.
Svingas wrote:
I was wondering whether spirit visage would be a good option or not.
It is if you grab it earlier on since it's pretty cheap, and then you can sell it later to grab a better item.
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Zeprido wrote:
It is if you grab it earlier on since it's pretty cheap, and then you can sell it later to grab a better item.
The only reason I go TBC is because it gives you a balanced mix of AP and AD damage and makes killing things much easier for your AD carry. Wit's End is completely viable, though.
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