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Warwick Items

Creator: jskell27 October 12, 2011 7:35pm
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 1, 2011 7:01pm | Report
If he gets HP it's because he's turning into a tank/offtanky initiate with his ultimate Jhoi :3
ZioSerpe's Forum Avatar
Aug 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 1, 2011 9:06pm | Report
DuffTime wrote:

If he gets HP it's because he's turning into a tank/offtanky initiate with his ultimate Jhoi :3

Actually HP is just a collateral damage, SV happens to have HP banshee happens to have HP, sunfire happens to have HP, but they all takes for different reason in wich HP is simply consideered a nice gift.

sunfire is used to add some srs bznss damage to his ult (reason why wit's end is a must aswell)
SV is used because ULT and hungering strike heal with that is just omgsolulzy plus grants CD and MR
banshee is used to have a safe ult, with QSS your ult can still be interrupted, if you got banshee up they have to aste 2 CCs to interrupt.

Also the huge amount of MR makes so that you single out enemy AP carry from teamfight, rape him and then proceed to help team with full healthbar.

Feel free not to belive me, but that's the same build Saint uses and Gmanbob uses (bob has sorc shoes since he usually does lanewick)
I might be a no one to you, but they know their **** don't they?

For all you questions about jungling

yes Mr smartypants click on the signature
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Apr 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2011 10:21am | Report
ZioSerpe wrote:

Let's play a little game:
make WW your main, see how you do in ranked with your build, then come back at me crying and saying I was right.

Wriggles is a must on every jungler but amumu and rammus, if you don't know WHY you should not jungle at all because you're not a jungler, you're a guy trying.
Your slow comes from lizard buff, that's all the low you need, AD ranged carry should have lizard? yes he should, but there's 2 on the map 1 is his other is yours.

You fail at WW and jungling, good day sir.

Well, what is the difference between normal junglers and Warwick? He has a form lifesteal on every attack. So he don't need the lifesteal of wriggle's. Thats why Madred's Razors, which you have to build later into Madred's Bloodrazor, enough.

I think you don't know anything about WW...
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2011 11:14am | Report
Lol comment Zio ^_^

You are soooooo weird >:P Let's take the personal interaction out of this and just speak on a logical level for a moment, shall we? I've never insulted you, spoken down to you, no need to be defensive. :p

There is a such thing as gold efficiency.

You do want to make sure that you're buying effective items and that you're accomplishing a goal, you want to be a compliment to your team, and make your over all team stronger.

Does your team need more damage? Does your team need an initiate? Does your team need a tank?

Are you going to have to peel?

Are you going to have to disable, slow, etc?

WW can do all of these things.


There is no rule in any book that says "Use X gear on X champion, and don't use X gear on X champions."

Unlike WoW, in LoL you can use any item on any champ.

Because this game is not perfectly balanced, some items do certain jobs -much- better than other items.

An example of this, Atmogg's. It does the job of "Tanky DPS" so well that people are upset when they even see it.

There are other combo's that are just as effective;

Wit's end, Warmogg's, Madred's. Very cost efficient.

Sunfire isn't a bad item~ It's a fairly average one however, and it falls off end game. Other gear choices scale better into the end game, and are as mood or perhaps -almost- as good mid game.

Wriggle's is not a must on every jungler, that's simply not true at all.

I jungle Udyr and Cho with Wit's end, not Wriggle's.
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2011 11:37am | Report
I feel that Wriggle's Lantern is great on WW but not necessary. You could easily stick with the Madred's Razors and build them later into Madred's Bloodrazor. However, the proc occurs more often, you'll have a free ward and 18% lifesteal may be redundant but it does not make Wriggle's completely ridiculous on WW.
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Aug 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2011 3:04pm | Report
NicknameMy wrote:

Well, what is the difference between normal junglers and Warwick? He has a form lifesteal on every attack. So he don't need the lifesteal of wriggle's. Thats why Madred's Razors, which you have to build later into Madred's Bloodrazor, enough.

I think you don't know anything about WW...

why do I have to waste my time explaining things you people should know.
Wriggle's Lantern is a must with current meta, as a jungler your role is to jungle as fast as possible to gank or invade, it also provides a free ward for your dragon control, the item cost is 1600g and it sells for something like 1100g all that while giving you free wards, making it even more cost efficent. When you sell it to make mardred's bloodrazors it will have fully repaid it's cost.
Any experienced player knows that, your problem is: you're not a jungler, you missing basic principles. On the other hand I'm a very experienced jungler and I had a great mentor. fact is, when I started these were unspoken secrets, now the fact wriggles is a must for junglers (exeptin made for amumu-rammus and not optimal on malph) is well known and the reason (the one I just gave you) is well known too.

DuffTime wrote:

Lol comment Zio ^_^

You are soooooo weird >:P Let's take the personal interaction out of this and just speak on a logical level for a moment, shall we? I've never insulted you, spoken down to you, no need to be defensive. :p

Have I? if I did mb, nothing against you, even tho I don't understand your harted for that beautifull beast that is Shaco but I'll forgive that since your disturbing signature is gone. If you were referring to me being aggressive against NicknameMy, in that case yeah that's intentional and Michael Shumacher is an old queer.

DuffTime wrote:
There is a such thing as gold efficiency.

You do want to make sure that you're buying effective items and that you're accomplishing a goal, you want to be a compliment to your team, and make your over all team stronger.

Does your team need more damage? Does your team need an initiate? Does your team need a tank?

Are you going to have to peel?

Are you going to have to disable, slow, etc?

WW can do all of these things.


There is no rule in any book that says "Use X gear on X champion, and don't use X gear on X champions."

He can do all of this things perfectly with my build, point is I don't build the jungler according to team needs I pick him according to team needs.
I'm repeating myself here a lil, but I am a jungler before anything, name any jungler in the game I can play it perfectly, plus I can jungle Ezreal with relative effectivness, that is in my "special abilities". I'm digressing here.
So yeah I'm a jungler and as such I pick my jungler to be sure he has what team needs and because of that my builds are aimed to maximize the effectivness of that jungler in the role I picked him for.
To make a pair of easy examples with top tier junglers:
1) Udyr is considered to be the best jungler in the game, yet if my team has no initiation I woul never get him but I'd get Warwick
2)If my team has an assassin (namely Talon/ Akali) solo top I'd be an idiot picking Nocturne, I could build him as a tanky DPS? yeah for sure, but that wouldn't exploit his kit as it should.
3)My team is very well assembled and any jungle could fit? I'll just pick Lee Sin and try Ks them as much as possible and make em rage because I hate humanity.

DuffTime wrote:
Sunfire isn't a bad item~ It's a fairly average one however, and it falls off end game. Other gear choices scale better into the end game, and are as mood or perhaps -almost- as good mid game.

I frankly don't think sunfire is a great item either, but I have a few exeptions, on Warwick is amazing, on Amumu is pretty good. Maybe on rammus-shen-malph is an option.
DuffTime wrote:

Wriggle's is not a must on every jungler, that's simply not true at all.

I jungle Udyr and Cho with Wit's end, not Wriggle's.

Explained why wriggle is a must above, I missed to mention Fiddlesticks, Karthus, Cho'Gath and Nunu & Willump in the wriggles exceptions, thought it was obvius that picking an AD item on a caster was stupid.

I get pretty worked up when I read heresy posts about jungle or support. with me.

For all you questions about jungling

yes Mr smartypants click on the signature
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2011 3:14pm | Report
I agree, it's better to pick the jungler for the team comp.

Sometimes you don't realize you have to be able to initiate until the game is already in progress though ^^

Sunfire has it's places and it's moments I suppose :)

Well Wriggle's isn't necessary on Cho or Phoenix Udyr however :3
DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2011 3:15pm | Report
ZioSerpe wrote:

with me.

Rofl xD
ZioSerpe's Forum Avatar
Aug 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2011 3:51pm | Report
DuffTime wrote:

I agree, it's better to pick the jungler for the team comp.

Sometimes you don't realize you have to be able to initiate until the game is already in progress though ^^

Sunfire has it's places and it's moments I suppose :)

Well Wriggle's isn't necessary on Cho or Phoenix Udyr however :3

FFS yu need wriggles on Udyr noob <.<
as for initiation:
1) Commonly used supports all have initiation but Soraka. Janna's Howling Gale ain't that great either but is still a light initiation.
2) Ashe is the only AD ranged carry with a reliable initiation. Urgot has a great initiation but he's an anticarry and he's ungly as ****.
3) Solo top tanky DPSers usually have firly decent initiation, Irelia doesn't tho and she's a very common pick.
4) AP carries all have relatively weak initiate. A few ones have good initiate, namely Annie/ Cassiopeia/ Morgana and can't think of any other atm

Then again my point is I recently made the error of junglying Udyr with a team that looked like this

after a great laning phase we got raped so bad, so, so bad, we couldn't pick out reamfights and they depleted us (we were up by like 12 kills in laning phase)

For all you questions about jungling

yes Mr smartypants click on the signature
DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2011 4:09pm | Report
No you doooon't :P

Phoenix Udyr does not need Wriggles ^^ I use Wit's end and breeze through.

That team looks really good... How did you lose? o_O
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