"Moral justification is a powerful disengagement mechanism. Destructive conduct is made personally and socially acceptable by portraying it in the service of moral ends." - Albert Bandura
"Ultimately, if people lose their willingness to recognize that there are times in our history when legality becomes distinct from morality, we aren't just ceding control of our rights to government, but our futures." - Edward Snowden
"Ultimately, if people lose their willingness to recognize that there are times in our history when legality becomes distinct from morality, we aren't just ceding control of our rights to government, but our futures." - Edward Snowden
AP (pure ap anyways) is super bad on WW.
However spellvamp and Mpen are good on WW (especially on lanewick). However if you go that route you need some CDR and Mregen so you can spam Q.
Sorcerer's Shoes > Frozen Heart > Chalice of Harmony > Spirit Visage > Hextech Revolver > Haunting Guise (bit iffy on Haunting Guise)
from there Sunfire Aegis if the enemy is heavy physical, Will of the Ancients if it's a so-so game, Abyssal Mask if enemy team is heavy AP or Void Staff if you are doing well and they are stacking MR.
basically just look at TRM's guide on Solomid.
However spellvamp and Mpen are good on WW (especially on lanewick). However if you go that route you need some CDR and Mregen so you can spam Q.
Sorcerer's Shoes > Frozen Heart > Chalice of Harmony > Spirit Visage > Hextech Revolver > Haunting Guise (bit iffy on Haunting Guise)
from there Sunfire Aegis if the enemy is heavy physical, Will of the Ancients if it's a so-so game, Abyssal Mask if enemy team is heavy AP or Void Staff if you are doing well and they are stacking MR.
basically just look at TRM's guide on Solomid.
Nighthawk wrote:
AP (pure ap anyways) is super bad on WW.
AP Warwick hits like a truck. With DFG, he can burst down pretty much any carry with DFG + Q + Ult + Q. The problem is, he's fairly squishy. But against certain compositions, especially those that aren't the best at chasing, he becomes quite deadly. He's very hit or miss though, and in that sense, it's not the best.
Holy Toledo, Batman, It's Cho'Gath!
HP, Armor, effortless DPS. Check please!
Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
In the last time, I thougth a bit about Trinity Force on warwick. His Ulti works good with both procs and the stats are overall usefull.
But I think, Frozen Mallet is superior. Why nobody mentioned Frozen Mallet? Frozen Mallet+ Force of Nature+ Frozen Heart as defence items and you will rock. Especially Frozen Heart, so you can make more Q's, more AS-buffing and more ulti's. And you have more mana. Finally, if you jump in, everyone of the enemy loses AS.
But I think, Frozen Mallet is superior. Why nobody mentioned Frozen Mallet? Frozen Mallet+ Force of Nature+ Frozen Heart as defence items and you will rock. Especially Frozen Heart, so you can make more Q's, more AS-buffing and more ulti's. And you have more mana. Finally, if you jump in, everyone of the enemy loses AS.
Q + TF proc and CDR items is not too shabby.
Allows you to sort of anti carry and offtank. ^^ And stick to the carry.
Allows you to sort of anti carry and offtank. ^^ And stick to the carry.
Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
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You'll need 225AP for it to deal any bonus damage against champions with 2500HP and that's pretty normal in lategame. Even against squishy carries you'll need ~150AP to deal any bonus damage.
So having below 150AP is USELESS for your damage against champions.