Doesn't have Warmog's Armor, -1.
DuffTime wrote:
ok ok plz carry me omg
i was only waiting for you to ask
Temzilla wrote:
Too hot to be icecream.
Luther3000 wrote:
He looks like a hair gel advert on legs
Toshabi wrote:
Icecreamy, with hair as slick and smooth as the ocean waves of Cocobana
He doesn't need a GA really. Warmogs is better. Consider a Void Staff.
Another interesting build I thought of for him is to go AD on-hits with Static Shiv and BORK instead of his normal Wits end magic pen build.
Another interesting build I thought of for him is to go AD on-hits with Static Shiv and BORK instead of his normal Wits end magic pen build.
Sunfire Aegis, Wit's End and Spirit Visage are all still very good on him, Randuins/FH for more armor is also fine. The only thing I personally don't like as much are the Doran's Rings and the Sorcerer's Shoes, but then I never really was a fan of those to begin with.
As for what pro players do: they don't play Warwick top, lol.
As for what pro players do: they don't play Warwick top, lol.
Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
**** them. But I understand why they wouldn't, I stopped playing WW because of a massive Q nerf that left the % damage on his Q weaker at level 5 than it used to be at level 4. Completely destroyed his lane dominance IMO. Now you can only get the % damage to trigger if they stack a lot of HP early, or are level 18.
Sorc Shoes and Doran's Rings are so you can actually kill your enemy. Hungering Strike costs 110 mana, and you only have enough base mana to cast like, 5, which obviously isn't enough to kill your enemy. Then you also need enough mana to cast both Infinite Duress and Q if you want to kill your enemy. Both have high mana costs. You get Sorc Shoes so that the 110 mana cost spell does something other than tickle.
But I've been wondering if I should just stop playing an aggressive WW and switch to a passive farm WW that only uses Q to sustain himself. Because even with Sorc Shoes and double Doran's, I still go OOM casting nothing but Q before their health even reaches 30%. Not even Chalice fixes it. Which is reason enough to buff him, but they probably won't, because I've noticed that pretty much every buff / nerf he's been given has buffed his jungle, and nerfed his solo top, so I think I understand where Riot wants him played.
And yeah, I think I should probably take Sunfire Cape sooner, and stop treating FH as core. Do you also think Iceborn Gauntlet could be better than FH?
And fair point about the GA > Warmogg's guys. Wouldn't Frozen Mallet be better than Warmogg's though? 300 less HP in exchange for CC on his auto-attacks, which synergizes greatly with his E.
Vapora Dark wrote:
And fair point about the GA > Warmogg's guys. Wouldn't Frozen Mallet be better than Warmogg's though? 300 less HP in exchange for CC on his auto-attacks, which synergizes greatly with his E.
Or... Have both? **** resists, and just stack health like a baws?
FM, Warmoggs, Banshee's and sunfire cape would make him redonkulously tanky and less prone to being kited.
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This is what I have at the moment, but it might be out-dated, I don't know.