ShiftyCake wrote:
You should try it sometime, walk up to the girl you like and act like you're going to be rejected.
actually, don't do that. I don't want to be hunted for the rest of my life cause I ruined someone's chance at a girl.
Don't be a hardknt, be a sickknt.
The Zyzz ideology is the path for a awesome lifestyle. Umirin ?
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that's right.
I posted before I even introduced myself :O I see you're shocked face.
How absurd right? I must be a noob, not posting here earlier.
Wait, if I'm a noob, then you won't talk to me...?
So this is how post-rejection feels.
Quite good actually.
You should try it sometime, walk up to the girl you like and act like you're going to be rejected.
actually, don't do that. I don't want to be hunted for the rest of my life cause I ruined someone's chance at a girl.
Though that'd be extreme.
But we do get people like that. So anything I say here has no meaning.
So yeah, hi. My name is, well, figure it out. I'm pre-new to LoL. Basically, I played it a tiny bit ages ago and started up again like a month ago. But I'm actually really pro. I'd go so far as to say that I could beat every single one of you in a game.
That's right.
I'll put you in you're place.
But don't let my self-indulged, cocky narcissistic attitude get to you. I'm really a nice person deep down Inside me.
Really deep down.
I don't think it's seen sunlight for a decade. So now that you all hate my guts, I'm gonna go ahead and end this.
Now, I would leave it at this, but I realize some people might not get my subtle joke. So I'll hint it.
So anything I say here has no meaning