Good luck ^^
Just out of interest, how desperate are you to climb to 1700? What happens when you get stuck in let's say the 1500 area, would you mind or is 1700 just a goal you'd like to reach without being ultra-tryhard about getting there?
Just out of interest, how desperate are you to climb to 1700? What happens when you get stuck in let's say the 1500 area, would you mind or is 1700 just a goal you'd like to reach without being ultra-tryhard about getting there?
Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!
IM PRETTY DESPERATE I have motives that I won't easily put down
To be honest I don't know, but I'm going to try my best to get as high elo as I can. 1700 is just a tryhard goal for me at the moment. If I can get there without being ultra-tryhard then I'll aim for higher (highly doubt that)
IM PRETTY DESPERATE I have motives that I won't easily put down
To be honest I don't know, but I'm going to try my best to get as high elo as I can. 1700 is just a tryhard goal for me at the moment. If I can get there without being ultra-tryhard then I'll aim for higher (highly doubt that)
I found getting to 1400 easy, Then to 1520 took a bit of time but it wasn't that bad, it's the jump from 1520 to 1700 that's so hard. Around 1520 is where people are paid to boost accounts to, so you'll meet a lot of people who don't deserve that elo.
From my experiences on the chinese server 1200 ~ 1520 I didn't have to actually try to even out in lane with my opponent. It felt like 2nd nature. I know that as I get higher tho, it'll start changing.
I feel 1200~1500 isn't that huge of an achievement. IMO 1500+ is when it really starts to get serious. :3
I feel 1200~1500 isn't that huge of an achievement. IMO 1500+ is when it really starts to get serious. :3
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Embracing's Ranked Journey
Current Elo: 1826
Target Elo: 1850
Elo Change in the Past 7 Days: +98 elo
Target: Achieved 1700 elo! (9/25/12 5:30 PM CT)
Hello, all! Some of you may know me and some of you may not. I'm Embracing (RosePhoenix). I have achieved gold rank (1520) easily on CN, and I feel discontent with the stale meta people follow there. Thus I have created this thread to update you all on my ranked journey ON NA.
Here are some of the main champions I will be playing (for ranked):
Top: Irelia, Vladimir
Mid: Zyra, Cassiopeia
Jungle: Skarner, Cho'Gath
ADC: Ezreal, Graves, Corki
Sup: Leona, Taric
Note that I'll only be updating this thread with my elo statuses periodically. I will not be updating every single ranked game I play.
My current goal is to get to 1700. It sounds like an unreasonable goal, but I believe my knowledge has grown a lot since I've started playing on the CN servers and I believe all it takes for me at the moment is to be able to successfully apply this knowledge into the game itself.I have hit 1712 as of September 25! I will try to aim higher for plat before s2 ends, but first I need to concentrate on my studies. :P A bit behind due to ranked! Can't do that for long so I gotta get organized again!I will be aiming for platinum now!
If you're wondering why I chose the NA server, I chose it because:
1) I have an account on NA with 90% of the champions as well as 9 rune pages
2) NA feels more competitive
3) It's easier to communicate with people in english
4) It's good social training for me when dealing with trolls / ragers / feeders (CN has a LOT less)
Aaaand that's enough words.
Wish me luck :3