Vapora Dark wrote:
I can't really give you anything short that's gonna truly help you, it would be a huge generalization. I'm not really willing to do another analysis video for now seeing as that took me a really long time to do, and I've got exams starting on Monday so I'm gonna be studying a ton from now on.
Totally understandable. Don't worry about it. Utopus helped me out.
And sorry for asking all of this in your thread BBG. Clutter
"Ah, the dulseth tones of Korean

I surrounded by morons. I start this game 6-0, and even let Ashe have her AD Carry role because she said she was on a hot streak with her, so I figured, "why not? What could go wrong?" Well, everything could go wrong. My team could respond to me getting really fed early by getting Vayne just as fed as me early on. I gave them chicken dinner, and they gave me chicken ****.
Short Term Goals: Silver/Gold/Platinum || Long Term Goals: Diamond/Master/Challenger

You can technically buy it with IP
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!
My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
Annie was complete ****, she really set the tone in the first five minutes of this game by trying to be a mid-lane in the support role. For the next 15 minutes until surrender, I intentionally fed so I can get out of that game sooner. Also, Ashe needs a 4 hit point buff, or a I need another runes page so I can run a third damage quint.
C9 way too stronk for TSM :P
C9 way too stronk for TSM :P
Short Term Goals: Silver/Gold/Platinum || Long Term Goals: Diamond/Master/Challenger

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