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Rainfall's Season 3 ranked thread

Creator: Rainfall February 11, 2013 11:53am
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Rainfall's Forum Avatar
Aug 2nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2013 11:53am | Report
Hello, I'm Rainfall, or Ade / Adeorisk on Europe West. I was gold in season 2, and I'm aiming for platinum this season (already hit). Therefore, I'm going to try and go for diamond. It might be a bit unrealistic, but I can try to do it! To victory!

Game 1

Twisted Fate // Mid // 11/4/6

This game went ridiculously well; we invaded, and whilst we didn't pick up any kills, we forced a few flashes. However, we could of got a kill if Singed took fling first. Sad days ; _ ; Oh well, I helped Hecarim to start his jungle, then went to lane, got most of the CS and harassed Ryze heavily. When I hit level 4, I roamed top and killed Jayce, picking up first blood and an assist for Singed. I went B, bought a kage's lucky pick and snowballed the game from there. After that, I pressured mid pretty hard, killed Ryze a bit and helped our bot lane (they were losing after giving 2 kills away).

Things to improve:

  • Gank more with ult
  • Ward the side of the lane earlier on
  • Make sure to keep note of flash timings (died when Volibear flashed after me; forgot we flashed at the same time like 5 minutes earlier)

Edit : Lol, just realised this looks a lot like Jai's format. whoops. I just pulled this out of my *** :P

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Signatures by TheNamelessBard & Jhoijhoi
Jovy's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2013 12:05pm | Report
good luck ade :3

by jhoijhoi
Rainfall's Forum Avatar
Aug 2nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2013 12:09pm | Report

good luck ade :3

Thanks Mawmaw :3

Game 2

Twisted Fate // Mid // 8/2/5

This game went ridiculously well too. Hecarim camped mid, which got him first blood and an assist for me. He continued camping mid letting me get free kills and assists. Top lane was losing pretty hard, but it was too difficult to get a successful gank; however, it worked a bit, but most of the time it was a 1 for 1 trade. I helped bot lane a bit too. After a while, we took mid turret. Then, I ganked bot and we took bot lane turret. Eventually, we got a successful gank top, but Wukong still died, so we just pushed and took the turret. Then, teamfights came and I started splitpushing; taking top inner and inhib turret the first time, bot lane inner the second time, and then the last teamfight just won the game.

Things to improve:

  • Try to plan how successful my ganks will be.
  • Try to counterroam even if I don't have ult.

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Signatures by TheNamelessBard & Jhoijhoi
Pheyniex's Forum Avatar
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2013 1:24pm | Report
planning successfulness of a gank is looking to a crystal ball, so i think it would be best if you just imagine an order of events, as in their avaiable cc, dashes/gapclosers/blinks, etc, figuring out what is your best course of action.

or maybe its just what you meant. ^^'


Sig made by Hogopogo
Rainfall's Forum Avatar
Aug 2nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 12, 2013 9:01am | Report
Game 3:

Sivir // ADC // 7/11/4

Was doing well (6/2/whatever), then our mid laner was bad and couldn't keep Lux under control or counterroam. I hate you Kayle, you stole my lane and defecated on it. Besides that, I suck at AD and can't CS properly, got caught out a bit too much, and was generally dodgy in teamfights. But still... SCREW YOU KAYLE!

TL;DR: Lux roams and singlehandedly carries, whilst our Kayle does absolutely nothing.

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Signatures by TheNamelessBard & Jhoijhoi
Rainfall's Forum Avatar
Aug 2nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 12, 2013 9:53am | Report
Game 4

Twisted Fate // Mid // 7/9/11

Pretty good game. We invaded, blowing Vi's flash, sadly not a kill, but the fact she had no flash saved me a bit later on, when she ganked me and I flashed away. Anyway, 1-5 was ridiculously easy vs Diana, I just harassed her and dodged her Q. Vi ganked, which I've already talked about. Anyway, when Diana hit 6, I made a stupid mistake and died. Anyway, then I went top and ganked Irelia, I didn't get an assist but because of my help Nidalee got a kill 30 seconds later. When walking back to mid, Diana jumped me from the brush next to wolves, and I couldn't do anything about it because for some reason my chatbox wouldn't close. Anyway, then Hecarim camped with ult, and so did Vi, so I died a lot from being 100% unable to escape Vi ult + Double gapcloser Diana. I continued to roam and gave help to Nidalee (apart from that one time I suicide dived Irelia and failed, I'm sorry!). Anyway, we ended up winning because I was constantly taking the target of Vi's ult whilst the rest of my team rampaged.

Things to improve:

  • Learn to last hit better... I suck
  • Don't place myself so vunerable to Vi ults

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Signatures by TheNamelessBard & Jhoijhoi
Rainfall's Forum Avatar
Aug 2nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 12, 2013 11:23am | Report
Game 5

Twisted Fate // Mid // 6/3/16

I'm not even sure how we won this one. We started off the game by invading and then everything went wrong. Their Caitlyn got 4 kills or something ridiculously. Luckily, our savior was Jax, who was 2/0/1. I went 0/1/3 though ; _ ;. Anyway, I went and pulled for Vi, then went to mid lane. Ryze got a second kill on me because he had the advantage, but Nautilus was really far behind and came to gank, and I just killed him, which was pretty much my turning point. Then, I went around and ganked, including top lane where I got a kill for me and Jax, and bot lane where I wiped up. Me and Jax made some huge plays, going 2v3 top lane and getting a 3 for 0 exchange. Then, teamfights were a breeze. The end.

Things to improve:

  • Learn to last hit better... I still suck
  • Improve my ganks a bit more; still not as good as I'd like them to be.

Game 6 isn't even worth a properly written post. I didn't get mid because a guy called TSL ****birD (...) stole it from me. I was forced to support and did awful due to lack of defensive runes. Then the Akali raped and pillaged our back line, resulting in me having 10 deaths. The end.

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Signatures by TheNamelessBard & Jhoijhoi
Jovy's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 17, 2013 5:20am | Report
You clearly can't win unless you're playing mid :p

by jhoijhoi
Vapora Dark
Vapora Dark's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 17, 2013 3:25pm | Report
^ Even if he loses mid he wins, lol.
Rainfall's Forum Avatar
Aug 2nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 21, 2013 2:27pm | Report

^ Even if he loses mid he wins, lol.

I lost a game with TF once... It was versus Kass though so not ma fault. Forgot to screenshot it though.

Game 9 - 14

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Signatures by TheNamelessBard & Jhoijhoi
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