Thanks guys! :D
Aight, good start boys.
In this game, our team captain blind picked Tryndamere despite having only played three games in ranked on him before and having a death average of ~10. When he died pre-6 to Vladimir, it looked like that decision might end up biting us in the ***, but somehow he recovered from his mediocre start and drew a lot of attention to top lane. He also started randomly winning 1v2's and 1v3's in the late game, allowing us to pressure objectives elsewhere on the map. Since Joxuu had already snowballed ahead quite heavily at that point as well, the game turned into a pretty clear win for us in the end.
So yeah, I'm 1-0 and managed to get mastery level 5 on Lucian :)
Game 185
Aight, good start boys.
In this game, our team captain blind picked Tryndamere despite having only played three games in ranked on him before and having a death average of ~10. When he died pre-6 to Vladimir, it looked like that decision might end up biting us in the ***, but somehow he recovered from his mediocre start and drew a lot of attention to top lane. He also started randomly winning 1v2's and 1v3's in the late game, allowing us to pressure objectives elsewhere on the map. Since Joxuu had already snowballed ahead quite heavily at that point as well, the game turned into a pretty clear win for us in the end.
So yeah, I'm 1-0 and managed to get mastery level 5 on Lucian :)
Thanks to jhoijhoi for the signature!
Game 186
Pretty upset about this one, really think we should've won that. People on our team getting caught a bunch of times was one of the main reasons we lost, but I feel I could've played this game better too (especially the last teamfight, in which I spent too much time trying to kill the low HP Alistar after he had used his combo on me).
Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!
Game 187
Tough game. Orianna and Nunu & Willump (Joxuu) were playing well and got pretty fed, but at the same time the Irelia and Draven were far behind, so we still struggled to get anything done. The fights went back and forth for a good 20 minutes (the outcome mostly relying on whether or not Orianna landed a good ultimate) before they finally got a decisive teamfight win and ended the game.
Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!
Game 188
2-2, down to the final game boys.
Pretty happy about my play in this game as I beat Riven in lane quite easily. My main objective initially was not to die - as it is against any laner like Riven with Ignite - but a gank from Joxuu allowed me to kill her and I had 124 cs at 14 minutes to her 87. She also died once while trying to roam, allowing me to kill her tower.
After this, I grouped with the team and apparently stopped farming completely, as it seems I only managed to get 44 cs in the remainder of the game ._.
Anyway, we managed to win most teamfights rather easily, with the only threat being the enemy Azir who had won mid lane against Viktor. The fact that he dc'd during a fight once or twice didn't hurt either.
Now let's hope I didn't win this game just to build up my hopes enough for them to get crushed in the last game.
Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!
Game 189
Not even sure what to say.
Despite having five Dragons and having Baron twice, we had a hard time fighting for objectives as they had a lot of poke and waveclear (mainly due to Kog'Maw). We also made some bad decisions in between those moments which prevented us from snowballing ahead heavily, with the most notable decision out of those being when I was told to go pressure bot only to see my team initiate and lose a 4v5 fight seconds after.
Eventually, we worked our way into their base (ever so slowly), but after getting their open bot inhibitor the team decided to go to the mid inhibitor (which still had a tower) through their base, allowing them to catch us in an awful position, almost ace us and finish instantly because of high death timers.
Quite possibly the worst decision I've ever seen in a soloQ game, and most definitely the worst possible game for it to happen.
90 LP.
Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!
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