E, though looking at probuilds it seems like it's a 50-50 between the two atm.
Was going to push for diamond this weekend, but after one game I'm already unsure whether I should. Not because of the loss (**** happens), but because of some pretty damn bad freezes / ping spikes I was getting during most of that (there's a reddit thread here which has a lot of comments from people all over Europe experiencing issues as well, with this comment being the exact issue I was having).
The timing could not have been worse :|
Game 220
Was going to push for diamond this weekend, but after one game I'm already unsure whether I should. Not because of the loss (**** happens), but because of some pretty damn bad freezes / ping spikes I was getting during most of that (there's a reddit thread here which has a lot of comments from people all over Europe experiencing issues as well, with this comment being the exact issue I was having).
The timing could not have been worse :|
Thanks to jhoijhoi for the signature!
Game 221-223
(click for full size image)
(click for full size image)
Game 1: Farm lane, Nocturne did a lot of work, team came out ahead.
Game 2: Lane went surprisingly well (first time I faced a Vladimir), other lanes not so much. Onesided loss.
Game 3: Despite what the screenshot might suggest, I actually won top lane comfortably against Riven (which is what I expected when I picked Olaf), leading by 2 kills (one of which came from a good Diana gank) and 20-30 cs after ~18 minutes. Things went downhill fast in the teamfights though, with Riven making a comeback and Jinx/ Lee Sin being able to carry the Ahri (who was far behind in cs and claimed to be lagging a lot).
Haven't felt like I've been improving for quite a while now, and I don't feel like I'm actually influencing the outcome of the game much either, regardless of role. Pretty demotivating.
Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
Game 226 - 229
Normals (mainly spamming Gnar) had been going well recently, but that luck hasn't seemed to translate into ranked just yet. Also still getting ping spikes in some games (happened quite often during the Tristana game, but barely in any of the other ones) and getting nervous more often than I ever would in a normal game, so I guess that doesn't really help.
16 LP atm, pretty far away from the diamond dream.
Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
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<Inhouse Addict>