lol same top laner and he did the same thing this game. He started off 1/7 and said "this game is so boring, why don't we just oneshot whoever I snare?" whenever he'd walk up to 5 people and snare someone. I have no idea how this guy got to this Elo.
Aside from the issue of the suicidal Ryze, I won lane but fell behind hard because my team kept taking every single minion from me (I went from 100 CS at 14 minutes to 120 CS at 19 minutes), and every time I tried to farm a side lane, whoever belonged to that lane would ping me back like mad and say that it was their farm. Eventually it seemed like we were going to lose and I was still really behind, so I was like, okay **** it, I'll take farm by splitpushing and see if I can get back in the game that way. Well it worked, I got about 5 waves and then caught out TF on bot lane for a 500 gold shutdown, and then I started to carry and get even further ahead.
Last game Ashe was carrying and I couldn't stop her carrying because my team wouldn't let me get the gold I needed to kill her; this game I ignored what my team wanted and took all the CS I needed, and stopped Caitlyn carrying. Lesson learnt; farm all huge waves on side lanes and ignore all pings from my team, because I can carry harder with it than they can.
Aside from the issue of the suicidal Ryze, I won lane but fell behind hard because my team kept taking every single minion from me (I went from 100 CS at 14 minutes to 120 CS at 19 minutes), and every time I tried to farm a side lane, whoever belonged to that lane would ping me back like mad and say that it was their farm. Eventually it seemed like we were going to lose and I was still really behind, so I was like, okay **** it, I'll take farm by splitpushing and see if I can get back in the game that way. Well it worked, I got about 5 waves and then caught out TF on bot lane for a 500 gold shutdown, and then I started to carry and get even further ahead.
Last game Ashe was carrying and I couldn't stop her carrying because my team wouldn't let me get the gold I needed to kill her; this game I ignored what my team wanted and took all the CS I needed, and stopped Caitlyn carrying. Lesson learnt; farm all huge waves on side lanes and ignore all pings from my team, because I can carry harder with it than they can.
Not much to say, bot lane got destroyed in lane, and then everyone kept getting caught every time I tried to farm a side lane. When I told Zac to stop getting caught, his response was "why should i? bot lane 1/9". Maybe so I can carry you lol????
Guess I'll just take a break now.
Guess I'll just take a break now.
First game Irelia played too passively in lane and let me farm up pretty easily. When she finally fought me at level 6, she messed up because she could have killed me by placing a pink, but she held onto it thinking that she could just kill me without it and save it for later. It bought me enough time on my cooldowns that I managed to both force her to Flash to catch me, and made her die to my Ignite a second after she killed me. Then after that Orianna asked to lane swap and I killed Vlad about 30 seconds after getting into lane, then among all the chaos of the lane swaps and counterswaps, I picked up some more kills and became too strong for them to handle.
2nd game wasn't as clean, I couldn't really kill Anivia in lane and any roams or attempted picks were countered with Stand United. I was 40 CS ahead of her but both other lanes were losing. I split pushed a bit and got enough picks to stall the game out for a while, and eventually through a pick we managed to get mid lane inhib. They later on caught out my team, but baron was already down so they couldn't get that from it, and I took their bot lane inhibitor. After that we just used the pressure of all the super minions to take baron and dragon. They lost one of their nexus towers trying to contest baron, and soon after we took top lane inhibitor too as they couldn't really leave their one remaining nexus tower, and then it was pretty easy to win a teamfight with like 5+ super minions helping us. :>
That team was toxic as **** though, Soraka and Fiora were constantly spamming pings on each other while we were losing and kept going even after we turned it around, and Evelynn kept saying "x9 bot lane".
Imma 'bout to end this man's whole career My rather unimpressive and slowly growing anime list! Currently watching:
Nisekoi: False Love |
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We followed her up and lost the teamfight.