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Things that annoys and my opinions about Draft...

Creator: R4GE April 11, 2014 2:00pm
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Jan 31st, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 11, 2014 2:00pm | Report
" I go Mid, don't care, Ok, I'm going Support and troll, noobs "

I hate these kind of people. These players that can only play one single role and whenever they doesn't get their preffered role they are starting to act like children in a candystore.

95% of all my games include someone that's spamming "Mid" while being lastpick, and this guy starts flaming when the 2nd pick picks Mid. And that's how the trollgame begings, he picks a champion and say
"Okey :D, I'll troll :D Noobs :D". I just want to stab them. ( No, I'm not a violent person, okey? ) You've to know how to play more than one single champion/role. You won't be able to get the role you want in every single games, so you've fill in one of the roles that are left.

When I play Draft I write my preffered role in the chat, but if someone else want the same role and he's 1st or 2nd pick and I'm 3rd pick I pick another role. Being lastpick doesn't really bother me, I enjoy being a filler. As a Support main that plays Jungle sometimes matchmaking are pretty easy. I always get the role I want. If I'm not able to get Jungle I pick Support instead because the change are pretty low that someone who are 1st pick will pick Support because for some reason playing a Support is so unpopular.

Something that really makes me annoyed are people who blindly following a guide for example on Mobafire or a build a Lcs player use ( Etc like Mid Lane Lulu ). When I thought of picking Lulu Support in a Ranked game this random kid starts to being a douchebah " Lulu isn't support you noob, she's mid a lcs player sad so uninstall lol kid ". The Lcs players have a reasong for building a champion in a certain way based on their knowledge, they know how it works, so don't treat the Lcs players words as a law without using your brain. Another example are Marksman Teemo. I played a Ranked game as Morgana Support + Teemo Marksmen against Leona Support + Varus Marksman. In championselect this Teemo liteally wrote [ Adc teemo :D No troll, ok :D ]. He feeded and we lost the game, gee gee.
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 11, 2014 4:08pm | Report
If you get your MMR higher by winning your games this pretty much stops happening. I can't remember the last time I played a game where someone didn't respect picking order in draft pick.
Thanks to Nyoike for the sig!
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2014 11:09am | Report
My solution: Blind pick normals. Teambuilder has made the atmosphere in normal blinds even better.
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Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2014 11:15am | Report
I still think draft is far more superior and generally provides games of higher quality; if you're playing seriously and preparing for ranked queue and stuff.

If you're looking to play a specific champion, or role, and you don't mind not being able to ban (though with the whole feral flame thing it's really nice to be able to ban yi/xin/noct etc) you should go with Teambuilder. It'll also make it so that you won't get any teammates complaining about the role they have to play.

I play support in 9 out of 10 games. It's not a difficult role to get and if I'm a higher pick I'll pick it no matter what lower picks claim. If it's a duo bot and one or the other player is the same pick, or higher, I'll choose a different role otherwise I'll just split them up. However if I'm a lower pick I won't sulk, and I'll pick whatever's left. I think most people do it the way I do, at least in my experience/MMR.
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2014 11:17am | Report

I still think draft is far more superior and generally provides games of higher quality; if you're playing seriously and preparing for ranked queue and stuff.

If you're looking to play a specific champion, or role, and you don't mind not being able to ban (though with the whole feral flame thing it's really nice to be able to ban yi/xin/noct etc) you should go with Teambuilder. It'll also make it so that you won't get any teammates complaining about the role they have to play.

I play support in 9 out of 10 games. It's not a difficult role to get and if I'm a higher pick I'll pick it no matter what lower picks claim. If it's a duo bot and one or the other player is the same pick, or higher, I'll choose a different role otherwise I'll just split them up. However if I'm a lower pick I won't sulk, and I'll pick whatever's left. I think most people do it the way I do, at least in my experience/MMR.

Pretty true, it largely depends on your attitude. Generally, if I play normal games with premades we usually play Blind Pick because it's so much faster.
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Apr 10th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2014 1:15pm | Report

My solution: Blind pick normals. Teambuilder has made the atmosphere in normal blinds even better.

Errr, if you mean better for finding newbies who pick Scrying Orb and chase four guys with half health, then yes, Blind Pick is the best choice >.>
Highest Rank Season 8: Silver V (started at Bronze II)
Highest Rank Season 7: Silver II (also the starting rank)

I play all roles except ADC (I just don't practice it). Playing a lot of Tryndamere & Sejuani jungle lately.
utopus's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2014 2:40pm | Report
One thing that has always kinda disappointed me about ranked picks, is when i'm last pick, get forced into a role i am not strong at, and then getting bashed for my mediocre play.

While i do usually get salty when people call a role in ranked, and then feed their opposing laner, that doesn't happen much in plat. People usually know that how to play safely enough when their behind so that things won't get out of control
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Thanks for the sig, MissMaw!
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2014 3:51pm | Report
OLPZach wrote:

Errr, if you mean better for finding newbies who pick Scrying Orb and chase four guys with half health, then yes, Blind Pick is the best choice >.>

That says more about your hidden normal Elo than about my queue preference. Actually it says nothing about my queue preference.

I play this game for fun, and, as said earlier, blind is faster, there are less "<role> or afk" types around since teambuilder, and there's no "ranked pressure" turning good people into mad ragers. If I queue in for a normal game I know the other people are playing just for fun and aren't desperate to get a certain role or expect their team members to play by the book. There are exceptions everywhere, of course.

But if you want to play seriously competitively then I wouldn't advise blind.
********'s a pretty good fertilizer

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