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AP Volibear?

Creator: TrueHiddenMist June 11, 2016 12:02pm
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Feb 23rd, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 11, 2016 12:02pm | Report
For the most part I understand why ap Volibear is not a thing. The scaling isn't fantastic only two skills scale ap, and the tank variant has just proven very reliable. In theory though with the ap item changes would off-tank ap bear be viable? Maybe a build like: Rod of Ages, Liandries, Rylias, Spirit Visage, Hextech Gunblade, boots. As I understood it part of the reason the ult scaling was low, is simply because in teamfights a high scaling multi hit/multi proc ult would be overpowered. But even with the low scaling would it be viable to proc Liandries, off of Rylias when using ult in a teamfight? Rod of ages new healing mechanic might also offer more survivability than it did previously. Thoughts, comments, ect?
Swuft's Forum Avatar
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Oct 18th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 19, 2016 12:12pm | Report
I personally think this would be more of a cheese type deal, where if you get a few early kills then you will do well until late game. Can't see there really being a reason to ever do this in Ranked though, because his E already provides a heavy slow (so Rylai's is meh) and his other build paths are so much better.
Ekki's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 19, 2016 2:23pm | Report
Two of voli's spells scale off AP, but one of them is an AoE with high utility (most of that utility is on a long *** minion fear that's useless against champions) and the other one needs attack speed (and your survival to do some autos) in order to be useful.

The damage from Sky Splitter just doesn't scale hard enough off of AP to be nuke nor has a low enough cooldown to be abused. The damage from Stormbringer needs you to survive in order to deal more damage and needs some attack speed to be truly amplified (granted Frenzy gives some good baseline attsp). And surviving is hard when you don't have mobility nor an ability to keep you alive regardless of defensive stats.

You could build one or two AP items into a full tank build, but in the end you'll be better off building a couple of AD bruiser items instead, since voli scales better off attsp/AD than AP.

If you want to play AP voli you better go with a good amount of AP and close the game quickly, since you'll inevitably fall off late game with such a subpar build. RoA is tempting, but I would rather have "quick stats" items like luden's instead because you need the midgame powerspike, not the buildup potential.

My build would have -in no particular order- Lich Bane, Luden's Tempest, Rabadon's Deathcap, Hextech Rocketbelt, Abyssal Mask/ Void Staff and either magic pen or CDR boots. It's great for nuke and gives lots of mobility to catch up.

Liandry's Torment+ Rylai's Crystal Scepter is really tempting, especially combined with Rod of Ages since they give HP that scales off your passive and W. But truth is, you won't live long enough to abuse their passives, or you would have to build those 2 into 3 defensive items and defensive boots, which would be just your average bruiser Volibear taking subpar damage items.
NicknameMy's Forum Avatar
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Apr 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 20, 2016 4:46pm | Report
I already did think about an AP Volibear out of the jungle, but I rather go a bit more defensive focused.

Stalker's Blade - Runic Echoes Boots of Swiftness Rylai's Crystal Scepter Guardian Angel Hextech Rocketbelt Liandry's Torment

Now you live long enough to use them while still having a good amount of AP and high damage of Frenzy . Another advantage obviously is a higher amount of utility compared to a normal Volibear build.

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