PheonixTails wrote:
I would think moving draven to Tier 1 and moving Kog'maw down to tier 2. Draven is still a good powerhouse in this metagame.
In the Korean scene Kog'Maw is overplayed but I think both could belong in Tier 1
Thanks to Ubnoxius for this sig!
PheonixTails wrote:
Oh really? is there a reason why?
Read the discussion beforehand about outrading potential, it's pretty even between Draven and Lucian which the best pick at the moment but maybe that just means that all except of Lucian, Twitch and Caitlyn should belong in Tier 2 but as said before Kog'Maw is way more used and especially used effectively.
Thanks to Aquilegia for this sig!
PheonixTails wrote:
FYI: Poppy isn't on that list for Top laners.
H4xDefender wrote:
Pretty sure hax doesn't think poppy's good. I'd agree with that. Games are usually decided by the time poppy gets strong enough to participate in team fights.
YuansuZhanshi wrote:
Can you explain Irelia being tier 1? She is a good dueler but she has a weak level 2 and I don't see how she has great teamfights
Irelia has some really good self healing, making her an okay candidate top laner, when going against teams that are doing lane swaps. She has really good mobility with bladesurging to minions, and her stun is pretty strong. Her team fights are actually quite good, so long as she's got like bork, triforce and some defensive items; Teams will find it quite hard to peel her off of their important carries due to the massive mobility she has, coupled with the free tenacity she gets from her passive.
Additionally, she does quite a good deal of mixed damage (physical, true, and SOME magic damage), which means that it can be quite hard to itemize defensively against her... In a way, this means that she can be hard to deal with if she gets an early kill against your opposing top laner
Lastly, i think irelia can hold her own against jax. And may be the only champion that can put up a good fight against jax when they are both near full build
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!
My Soraka Guide | My Review Service
Thanks for the sig, MissMaw!
My Soraka Guide | My Review Service
Thanks for the sig, MissMaw!
poppy sux can confirm
Draven is useless against most teams lategame since he can't escape divers by himself, and he doesnt have super range with piercing autoattacks like twitch does to make up for it, and hes also really hard to play perfectly. (and you should only ever play him if you can play him close to perfectly) His laning is good but bot lane is very support dependent which neuters that a bit as well.
Irelia has a huge midgame powerspike and pretty good matchups. Does pretty well in the meta as well.
Kog'maw has a deceptively decent lane phase now that bio arcane barrage costs nothing and his q is actually useful. His lategame carrying potential is still nigh unrivaled as well.
Lucian just outclasses everyone because he gives up nothing compared to the other adcs while being super safe in lane and teamfights due to E and culling.
Twitch is all about all-inning, so his matchups are kinda weird.
this is an open ama too for anyone who has questions not related to the tier list.
Draven is useless against most teams lategame since he can't escape divers by himself, and he doesnt have super range with piercing autoattacks like twitch does to make up for it, and hes also really hard to play perfectly. (and you should only ever play him if you can play him close to perfectly) His laning is good but bot lane is very support dependent which neuters that a bit as well.
Irelia has a huge midgame powerspike and pretty good matchups. Does pretty well in the meta as well.
Kog'maw has a deceptively decent lane phase now that bio arcane barrage costs nothing and his q is actually useful. His lategame carrying potential is still nigh unrivaled as well.
Lucian just outclasses everyone because he gives up nothing compared to the other adcs while being super safe in lane and teamfights due to E and culling.
Twitch is all about all-inning, so his matchups are kinda weird.
this is an open ama too for anyone who has questions not related to the tier list.
Riot has been churning out small patches that slightly adjust some of the weaker champions, while smashing down usually 1 or 2 of the “OP” champions of the time. Because the patches are so minute, there aren't many changes that break through the meta.
Well, shyv,ls,lb,lucian,braum for me.
Well, shyv,ls,lb,lucian,braum for me.
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