In my eyes winning top lane is up to level 9
After level 9 lanes stop becoming as important and its not about winning the lane anymore because you dont even need to stay in your lane anymore
So champions that win their lane after level 9 arent worth taking into account.
Thus Singed is a bad solo top because unless he gets a perfect match-up he only excels past level 9
Irelia and Nasus are in the same boat meaning that some match-ups they will do well, others they will need to farm past level 9 when the game starts to switch to mid-late game
So good examples of strong top lanes are Yorick, Lee Sin, Riven, Wukong, Renekton and Warwick
Because they will beat most lane champions. Sure Shyvana, Irelia, Gangplank, Olaf, Cho'Gath, Rumble etc. can be strong top but they won't win their lane everytime. They simply cannot best those top six champions. They will either be starved of farm or killed repeatedly.
Sure Shyvana may have strong pushing power, Morde may dominate GP top and Xin Zhao may counter a lot of match-ups. But there are a lot of decent champions top but few people realise who are the STRONGEST top
After level 9 lanes stop becoming as important and its not about winning the lane anymore because you dont even need to stay in your lane anymore
So champions that win their lane after level 9 arent worth taking into account.
Thus Singed is a bad solo top because unless he gets a perfect match-up he only excels past level 9
Irelia and Nasus are in the same boat meaning that some match-ups they will do well, others they will need to farm past level 9 when the game starts to switch to mid-late game
So good examples of strong top lanes are Yorick, Lee Sin, Riven, Wukong, Renekton and Warwick
Because they will beat most lane champions. Sure Shyvana, Irelia, Gangplank, Olaf, Cho'Gath, Rumble etc. can be strong top but they won't win their lane everytime. They simply cannot best those top six champions. They will either be starved of farm or killed repeatedly.
Sure Shyvana may have strong pushing power, Morde may dominate GP top and Xin Zhao may counter a lot of match-ups. But there are a lot of decent champions top but few people realise who are the STRONGEST top
Shameless plug:
I play games, I write stories. And I make youtube videos that are way to long.
I play games, I write stories. And I make youtube videos that are way to long.
Well, whoever says that top lane ends at lvl 9 is plain stupid... Most time, Top Lane farming ends at 30:00 mins with lvl 18, this is then the top-laners are enough farmed to deal their dmg. There are some exceptions for that, like Garen, but Garen falls of hard onto lategame. He is the perfect example for that your theory is totally wrong...
And if you say cho is bad, well, no more hope...
And if you say cho is bad, well, no more hope...
I didnt say that Cho is bad I just said he struggles to deal with ganks, harass and returning harass as well as other champs that solo top
And generally the lane is won by level 9, sure if its a stalemate then champs that rely on pure farming start to shine through (Nasus, Cho)
But if the lane is not a stalemate then top lane will be won by lvl 9 and one champion will be ahead of the other and leave their lane to start wrecking havoc elsewhere whilst the other champ is stuck trying to farm their way back into the game.
Thats how the best few champions work, they force you to play offensive and if your champion cannot play offensive they lose
Obvious they still have counters, for example Lee Sin is countered by Garen but he destroys Nasus, Irelia, Rumble, GP as long as he has more than 2 brain cells.
Winning top lane forces the other champion who lost top to farm for the next 10-15 minutes to catch up, meaning that the other team has the advantage in team-fights. So afk-farm champions Can beat certain tops as well as farm forever but certain match-ups force them to have serious problems.
And generally the lane is won by level 9, sure if its a stalemate then champs that rely on pure farming start to shine through (Nasus, Cho)
But if the lane is not a stalemate then top lane will be won by lvl 9 and one champion will be ahead of the other and leave their lane to start wrecking havoc elsewhere whilst the other champ is stuck trying to farm their way back into the game.
Thats how the best few champions work, they force you to play offensive and if your champion cannot play offensive they lose
Obvious they still have counters, for example Lee Sin is countered by Garen but he destroys Nasus, Irelia, Rumble, GP as long as he has more than 2 brain cells.
Winning top lane forces the other champion who lost top to farm for the next 10-15 minutes to catch up, meaning that the other team has the advantage in team-fights. So afk-farm champions Can beat certain tops as well as farm forever but certain match-ups force them to have serious problems.
Shameless plug:
I play games, I write stories. And I make youtube videos that are way to long.
I play games, I write stories. And I make youtube videos that are way to long.
Oh and Vlad is decent solo top, not perfect but beats a lot of tanky dps so yeah he can work :P
Shameless plug:
I play games, I write stories. And I make youtube videos that are way to long.
I play games, I write stories. And I make youtube videos that are way to long.
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