Yes I'm good with Viktor, I kill Viktor mid. But I can't solo top with him. Which is strange because I happen to be a very above average good solo-toper.
As for the explanation, i think it's just cause he doesn't have enough damage to handle the lane himself, and even with ganks it's like meh. He's pretty vunrable to enemy ganks though, cause he tends to be squishy sometimes..
As for the explanation, i think it's just cause he doesn't have enough damage to handle the lane himself, and even with ganks it's like meh. He's pretty vunrable to enemy ganks though, cause he tends to be squishy sometimes..
by jhoijhoi
I've seen solotop Viktor. It's strong against people with, A. No dash/blink or B. no AFK sustain.
The laser hurts early, if he rushes Augment: Death it will hurt more, it also outranges your tower and that is a *****.
The laser hurts early, if he rushes Augment: Death it will hurt more, it also outranges your tower and that is a *****.
Yes I'm good with Viktor, I kill Viktor mid. But I can't solo top with him. Which is strange because I happen to be a very
As for the explanation, i think it's just cause he doesn't have enough damage to handle the lane himself, and even with ganks it's like meh. He's pretty vunrable to enemy ganks though, cause he tends to be squishy sometimes..
Viktor has great damage for early game so that isnt a problem. I've managed to beat several solo top champions with Viktor, and all went pretty easy. Champions include: Udyr, Vladimir, Irelia and Gangplank. Viktor is indeed squishy, as every mage in the early stages of the game. Most ganks can easily be avoided with good use of Gravity Field.
I'm not saying you are a bad Viktor player or solo top player. If you're convinced he cannot lane solo top then don't but I'd suggest you try it out at least a couple more times.
Lugignaf wrote:
I've seen solotop Viktor. It's strong against people with, A. No dash/blink or B. no AFK sustain.
No offense Nick, but I haven't seen you play him top all that often and the last time you did you were up against - I think - an Udyr who doesn't have a dash and therefore can't really get close to you easily....
Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
Lugignaf wrote:
I've seen solotop Viktor. It's strong against people with, A. No dash/blink or B. no AFK sustain.
The laser hurts early, if he rushes Augment: Death it will hurt more, it also outranges your tower and that is a *****.
I've managed to beat Udyr and Irelia. They seem to have pretty good sustain ^^. Viktor's damaging spells have a low mana cost and pretty high damage and low cooldown. AFK sustain won't be enough.
GrandmasterD wrote:
Swain and Viktor are so different champions. Besides, what exactly do you consider bad about Viktor? Your quote on its own makes no sense.
Well, if we look at viktor's damage, we can see that he has extremely low damage compared to almost any of the other mages that can go top.
Q, 120 damage at level one with all flat AP runes, short range, long cooldown, targeted.
W, No damage, short range, long cooldown, 1.5s stun.
E, 110 damage at level 1 with full flat ap runes, medium range, long cooldown, skillshot.
Q, Shorter cooldown, 115 damage, 20% slow, medium range, targeted.
W, 117 damage, 2 second root, similar cooldown to viktor W.
E, 105 damage, targeted, makes Q/W/Auto Attacks deal 8% more damage, medium range (124, 126 respectfully)
Basically, Swain has similar CC potential, a better ultimate and passive, and more damage.
There is no reason to pick viktor when swain exists in the game in my opinion.
Tri lane for life.
GrandmasterD wrote:
AFK sustain is not what Udyr and Irelia have. AFK sustain is Mundo passive. He can spend all his time dodging your skills if he feels like it. Another example, Yorick. Use Omen of Famine, wait for heals to come in, profit.
Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
Lugignaf wrote:
I've seen solotop Viktor. It's strong against people with, A. No dash/blink or B. no AFK sustain.
C; No brain.
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Viktor can't solo top...
Explanation maybe? Have you ever tried? Are you even good with Viktor? Just stating it doesnt make it true.