I think the top tier of the top-lane right now is:
Irelia and Gangplank. Why? cuz they're both badass at avoiding ganks. Everyone thinks that the jungler should just begin to be all like huehuehue i gank all day erryday. Both Irelia and GP are really good at escaping ganks. And they both have solid lane mechanics.
Their builds are versatile through the whole game. Therefore if u want a solid first pick which are hard to counter by putting a champion there alone thoose 2 are really good.(also gangplank is a pirate so why not?)
I tried tryndamere the other day, it's like GTA with cheats on, he takes zeeero skill and if he's winning his lane or not is solely indicated on his red bar under the health.
Irelia and Gangplank. Why? cuz they're both badass at avoiding ganks. Everyone thinks that the jungler should just begin to be all like huehuehue i gank all day erryday. Both Irelia and GP are really good at escaping ganks. And they both have solid lane mechanics.
Their builds are versatile through the whole game. Therefore if u want a solid first pick which are hard to counter by putting a champion there alone thoose 2 are really good.(also gangplank is a pirate so why not?)
I tried tryndamere the other day, it's like GTA with cheats on, he takes zeeero skill and if he's winning his lane or not is solely indicated on his red bar under the health.
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
Decent sustain, Decent escape, lacking in REAL harass without AP. With his taunt buff incoming (or is it already here?) he could be a good champ to help secure a gank in top lane. But he's a champ with 3 skills....Feint is a waste of energy and its duration is bad. They might as well make it a spell shield like Sivir or Nocturne. His skill set needs some additional HP scaling so that building tanky benefits him more past his passive. I'm thinking like ~10% HP+Flat number on Stand United (even though the base absorbtion is pretty strong already) turn Vorpal Blade into a last hit tool that restores energy on hit or HEALS on last hit or BOTH while still making it worthwhile to harass with...Shen has some viable strengths but IMO GP/Riven/Tryn/Teemo/Olaf/Cho Gath/IDK ALL beat him out top. He's Irelia status, farm all day and hope your enemy just wants to farm too or else you're running to and from lane a lot.
I've beaten a Jax and at least 2 2v1 lanes. Q->Ki Strike is some powerful damage early on. I always end up buying an Atmas as well. The damage you get is amazing if you're building towards your passive.
EDIT: THey also tried the "Last hit to heal" and he ended up decimating other solotop champs. He also got free tank stats when he activated feint though. That might have attributed to it as well.
EDIT: THey also tried the "Last hit to heal" and he ended up decimating other solotop champs. He also got free tank stats when he activated feint though. That might have attributed to it as well.
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Riven, Nidalee, Kennen and Rumble are very strong aswell, but they have more counters.
Singed is bad.
Irelia is mediocre.