I've had real fun tops as Teemo against a host of other tops and he hurts. Every time a Wu tried to E-q me I had blinded him so his Q never hit :P same with Nasus but Nasus is worse cause of his E.
I mostly prefer hybrid Teemo top. Rush Nashors then Hextech and then Frozen Mallet. Wit's End and boots depending on my opponents. Maybe a 40% Mpen rod. I did a nice qudra with him the other day, Mpen boots works wonders early when those shrooms start to pop up!
I mostly prefer hybrid Teemo top. Rush Nashors then Hextech and then Frozen Mallet. Wit's End and boots depending on my opponents. Maybe a 40% Mpen rod. I did a nice qudra with him the other day, Mpen boots works wonders early when those shrooms start to pop up!
If you for some reason want to follow my ranked journey to gold, you can do it Here.
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I am against asking for rep, only rep me if you think I contributed well or said something wise.
Irelia is NOT the best top laner. She has champion counters and item counters, people just DON'T take advantage of her weaknesses.
Singed is NOT the best solo laner, in fact he's very average if not even sub par. This is coming from a guy who's played Singed.
If you want a safe strong reliable every game pick for the solo lane, pick GP.
His hard counters inculde Pantheon.
Good luck.
Singed is NOT the best solo laner, in fact he's very average if not even sub par. This is coming from a guy who's played Singed.
If you want a safe strong reliable every game pick for the solo lane, pick GP.
His hard counters inculde Pantheon.
Good luck.
Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
I'm waiting for "Professor Olaf" skin to come out so Duff will ask for a sig that says
"Professor Olaf, Schooling Top Lane with a PHD in Badassery" or something to that affect.
But so far there's just Brolaf "Cheating on Top Lane Tests Since Release"
"Professor Olaf, Schooling Top Lane with a PHD in Badassery" or something to that affect.
But so far there's just Brolaf "Cheating on Top Lane Tests Since Release"
Tell that to GP or Olaf or Chogath. Those 3 champs out lane all the others by mechanics alone IMO. Sure Riven and Irelia CAN be strong, but in the long run ChoGath can't be moved from lane. GP just waits to crit you with Parrrlay, Olaf just laughs at you as he hits you for some massive true damage.
What do Irelia and Riven do REALLY WELL? Both of them turn tail and run with expert precision. Not to say they can't stand and bang, but with Irelia being nigh unccable and Riven being able to penta flash away if she so chooses you really aren't looking at stable champs meant to do much more than farm and harass a little. If they over commit too early they die, if they miss their oprutunity to snowball they eat **** and have to push the game to 35 minutes + before they have a good shot....
Just my opinion.
What do Irelia and Riven do REALLY WELL? Both of them turn tail and run with expert precision. Not to say they can't stand and bang, but with Irelia being nigh unccable and Riven being able to penta flash away if she so chooses you really aren't looking at stable champs meant to do much more than farm and harass a little. If they over commit too early they die, if they miss their oprutunity to snowball they eat **** and have to push the game to 35 minutes + before they have a good shot....
Just my opinion.
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In my book, Yorick and Teemo are two of the strongest laners. Yorick has very good sustain, good harass and farms well, and Teemo excels against a lot of the traditional tops (Singed, Tryn, Nasus, etc.) because of his harass and blind.