Not that it matters a lot though, since the meta is pretty much 2 solo laners and a duo rather than 1 top, 1 mid, 2 bot. Dignitas, for example, often sends Scarra to lane bottom when they're purple side.
EDIT: Also not 100% convinced that someone on TSM isn't just trolling the fanbase. Dyrus is currently playing top lane on his stream.
EDIT 2: Dyrus - "The change doesnt really mean anything. Solo lane = solo lane. If I play Rumble mid it's no different."
Conclusion: Nothing's really changing and Xpecial's a troll.
EDIT: Also not 100% convinced that someone on TSM isn't just trolling the fanbase. Dyrus is currently playing top lane on his stream.
EDIT 2: Dyrus - "The change doesnt really mean anything. Solo lane = solo lane. If I play Rumble mid it's no different."
Conclusion: Nothing's really changing and Xpecial's a troll.

Thanks to Lugignaf for the sig!
I play solo top champions in mid all the time, I find it easier to get kills vs squishy enemies rather than solo top bruisers. I understand Dyrus's thought-process, but what kind of mid champs can Reginald afford to send top without getting crushed?

Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!
Basically what everyone said before.
Thank you jhoijhoi, Keondre, LaCorpse, The_Nameless_Bard, Arcana3, Apfeljack, Hogopogo, eddie199, Xiaowiriamu, and JEFFY40HANDS for the spectacular sigs!

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