Fix'd that for ya duffy.
Irelia isn't a skill matchup for Cho.
Irelia is a "you can't hard engage on me or you die." matchup.
Also, I would argue that Cho's sustain is better.
Also, Fizz doesn't counter Cho'Gath, because Cho'Gath can just destroy fizz at level 1.
Fizz has to play defensively against Cho'Gath, and when he goes into poke, all cho has to do is have a null magic mantle in his inventory, and right click fizz.
Tri lane for life.
cho just needs warden's mail and he does fine vrs irelia ^_^
Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
mysim20 wrote:
Executioners Calling doesn't really work as a direct lanewick counter imo, He doesn't heal all that much from basic attacks he relies on the heal from his Q and the duration is only long enough to negate 2 hungering strikes and the crit wont help you because i can just Q minions every time. Gangplank is a pretty strong vs Warwick anyways. Unless the ww is smart and waits to ult until gangplanks oranges are down.
You think as GP I'm going to win a trade with WW/irelia and then sit back and wait for them heal up on minions? No. If I have Executioner's calling, they can't go near my creep waves to heal when low, because I can just activate it and force them to either stick around for a fight I'm guaranteed to win, or back off until it's up and lose out on CS. It's not about having it for the fight, it's about having it to deny them sustain after the fight. They aren't going to be able to engage on me and win a full-to-zero fight because I have an active item that counters their sustain, and they aren't going to be able to sit back and passively farm because I'm not going to let them.
It's not about just winning the fights, it's about forcing them to come out of any fight low and unable to farm without risking death.
what about shyvana, i saw the intel kiev finals and moscow 5 shyvana just dominated. Is she realy THAT good?
Some say he watched the lord of the rings sixty twelve times and he was pissed off at gandalf for stealing his idea for a halloween costume. all we know he's called McLovin.
Solo queue Elementz lists her at like T3 or T4. I agree with that. Shyvana ****ed Rainman's **** because Rainman was being a ***** and wouldn't fight her, so he was farming under turret the whole day while Shyvana was off stealing TheOddone's Wraiths and red buffs unopposed. She's a good pusher and duelist because she does a lot of damage, and her speed gives her good map presence, and she's a strong situational pick, but honestly she's just that: situational.
Rainman had me facepalming so hard.
Irelia supposedly has advantage in that lane...
Irelia supposedly has advantage in that lane...
Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
DuffTime wrote:
Rainman had me facepalming so hard.
Irelia supposedly has advantage in that lane...
Honestly, why not just pick a better counter than irelia to shyvana?
Mordekaiser poops on her pretty hard, she can't counter push him, she does miss some cs at tower, and he is a much stronger team fighter (M5 was picking huge AoE comp.) or Kennen, or Vlad, or Udyr, or Tryndamere?
I don't see why Rain Man didn't just pick to crush the lane honestly, an underfarmed Shyvana does nothing in team fights or back or for dooring.
Tri lane for life.
Cho is so boss that he doesn't care if he's near the creeps or not :D troll Rupture leveling still works in normals ^^
+ how can Fizz keep him from getting creeps?
+ how can Fizz keep him from getting creeps?
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Top-tier solo top champ right now is Gangplank. Going against Trynd/Riven/Lee Sin? Start cloth/5, buy Chain Vest and vamp scepter on first back. Laugh as they do no damage. Going against Cho/Irelia/Warwick? Run ignite, rush Executioner's Calling, and laugh as all that healing power disappears with the 8-second sustain nerf active. And that covers like 80% of who you're going to see solo top.
Executioners Calling doesn't really work as a direct lanewick counter imo, He doesn't heal all that much from basic attacks he relies on the heal from his Q and the duration is only long enough to negate 2 hungering strikes and the crit wont help you because i can just Q minions every time. Gangplank is a pretty strong vs Warwick anyways. Unless the ww is smart and waits to ult until gangplanks oranges are down.