Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
Polse is right. Niche is fine if you understand the niche.

Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
thanks and 1 question im having a hard time countering irelia top epecialy when in mid game she starts getting her items and i feel like any small amount of damage i manage to deal she just re-sustains and rapes me :\.
Some say he watched the lord of the rings sixty twelve times and he was pissed off at gandalf for stealing his idea for a halloween costume. all we know he's called McLovin.
Answer; Olaf, Tryndamere, Cho (Cho does the same trick)

Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
DuffTime wrote:
Answer; Olaf, Tryndamere, Cho is a skill-matchup so if your enemy is from other server and has lesser masteries/runes u win. (Cho does the same trick)
Fix'd that for ya duffy.
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
McLovin12134567 wrote:
thanks and 1 question im having a hard time countering irelia top epecialy when in mid game she starts getting her items and i feel like any small amount of damage i manage to deal she just re-sustains and rapes me :\.
The best way to prevent a strong mid game is to wreck early game.

"intermediate non ranked play"
If that's a question, really anyone.
Pølsemanden mentioned a lot of really good top champions.
Considering it's not ranked, I'd suggest trying solotop
Lee Sin as he's really fun to play.
I also agree that
Fizz's a bad top in majority of cases. But he's also interesting and fun to play, so why not?
If that's a question, really anyone.
Pølsemanden mentioned a lot of really good top champions.
Considering it's not ranked, I'd suggest trying solotop

I also agree that

McLovin12134567 wrote:
thanks and 1 question im having a hard time countering irelia top epecialy when in mid game she starts getting her items and i feel like any small amount of damage i manage to deal she just re-sustains and rapes me :\.
I also feel like

True damage still hurts, but now you'd take only 1 hit, whereas at full attack speed you'd suffer 2-3 hits of it.

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In draft play you'd never be able to Morg top because you'd either get countered or she'd get banned. Try to steer clear of the niche play champions.
Why would u stay clear of the niche champions?
They all excel at some stuff, and counters some stuff(like talon, he's a niche champ but such a good counter to kassa/leblanc)(like kassadin/leblanc, they're bad first picks cuz they're countered easily but if they get against a mage who isn't morgana or galio.. BOOM SHAKALAKA.) Abuse the niches.
Very good first picks for top:
Cho' gath
Think this pretty much sums it up.
Damn, forgot vlad.