+rep. Nuff Said.
In my eyes there is only justice
Thank you Xiaowiriamujhoijhoi JEFFY40HANDS JakofSpaydes
How to tank guide (Revamped! 10/13)
Tbh nothing new here, most players were ahead of you meh. Though yes, that pretty much sums it up on how to be better at LoL.
Though may I add a personal tip: If you have troubles against 1 champion, buy that champion and play around 10 games with that champ, so you know how that champs feel and what weaknesses, cd's and stuff are from the champ, this makes it next time more easy to play against it.
Though may I add a personal tip: If you have troubles against 1 champion, buy that champion and play around 10 games with that champ, so you know how that champs feel and what weaknesses, cd's and stuff are from the champ, this makes it next time more easy to play against it.
If League of Legends is gay, then I am super****.
~Feel free to add me on LoL (EUW) Omerta, or on Skype: Joniakagod
~Feel free to add me on LoL (EUW) Omerta, or on Skype: Joniakagod
I feel that I have mastered 2 champions. I am well on my way with at least 4 others. Much like you I also know about 10+ very well. All the rest I am familiar with, some more than others. I have actually gotten to the point that I can easily understand how a champion is going to work without actually having to play them. If I need to know the cooldowns on abilities, I generally just look it up.
+rep. Nuff Said.
Rudmed wrote:
+rep. Nuff Said.
Personal habitual activites? Utilizing gargantuan idioms to fabricate intelligence.
"It's a colloquial shorthand that means the paradigm exists because of how the game works mechanically. Hence, "the Meta." Stop being a useless pedant." - PlayGooYa
"It's a colloquial shorthand that means the paradigm exists because of how the game works mechanically. Hence, "the Meta." Stop being a useless pedant." - PlayGooYa
Thanks for the long post. Not really a secret after all, but it feels good to read about it again some times and remember what I'm doing wrong. I'm trying to play too much champs and I end up mastering only one or two and having dozens of "meh". I need to get my priorities straight.
You did the work, spent the time and you deserve a slap on the back therefore.
But, well... it's the same as a decent guide after all:
It points out things that are good to know, but ppl who could improve knowing all that already looked it up or naturally do know about it since it's sheer logic.
And everyone else...
It will end up in
"Oh, I do know about that, but totally forgot!"
Not to mention that +90% of the ppl swarming the forums to even take note of this thread are more likely to be the first type.
But, well... it's the same as a decent guide after all:
It points out things that are good to know, but ppl who could improve knowing all that already looked it up or naturally do know about it since it's sheer logic.
And everyone else...
It will end up in
"Oh, I do know about that, but totally forgot!"
Not to mention that +90% of the ppl swarming the forums to even take note of this thread are more likely to be the first type.
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Alright here goes:
Step 1
Learn and become profecient with at least 15 different champions 3 for each role, 5 of those 15 being champions that can be played in different ways IE solo top GP versus Jungle GP. Tanky Support Alistar versus Jungle Alistar versus pure bot support Alistar etc.
Step 2
AFTER learning at least 15 different champions and the multiple ways they can viably be built/played, start narrowing down your 5 best out of 15 regardless of their role. Then stop playing them as often and spend more time with other champions you feel comfortable with. Once you feel rather good with those champions, stop playing them and pick up the last 5 you're not terrible with but not amazing at either. After you've really gotten those last 5 under control pick one out of each group of 5. So you're "amazing, decent, and okay" groups, make sure each champ fits a different role. So perhaps you pick an AP/Jungler/Support.
Step 3
Have a rune page for each of those 3 champs. But make it generic, something that could fit multiple champs of the same or perhaps different role. For an example, my jungle page also fits my ranged AD/ AD solo top. My Vlad page fits my AP tanks/Bot lane supports. My AP page fits...Well any AP champ really. IF you invested in additional rune pages, feel free to build more specific set ups as you see fit.
Step 4
If you're still reading then it's probabaly very clear as to what I'm getting at. To be better at LoL you need to have the ability/capacity to play multiple champs that fill multiple roles/builds. Being the best Casseiopea player doesn't matter if she gets banned or first picked does it? Overall to be a better LoL player you need to educate yourself...There are 90+ champions in LoL with 4 spells 1 passive EACH. That amounts to ~450 DIFFERENT abilities (not counting passives that are abilities or abilities that have 2 activations). Learning 15 champs, but having a set of 3 "go to" champs is a good start at being able to understand what you're up against.
Step 5
This basically goes along with step 4. "Know thy enemy". The more information you have about how your opponent's champion works the better off you are. For example the most recent champion Ziggs. AMAZING range, abusive harass, but long CDs on W,E, and R. He's mana intensive and his passive proc can ruin your day. Rather than starting Doran's ring (I often do) perhaps boots and health pots can even the odds against him? Move speed and sustain in lane means Zigg's poke will eventually wear him down more than you. That's an easy example, something a bit more obscure might be the fact that Vlad's early game cool downs (even after being reduced) are still long enough pre level ~7 that after he utilizies Transfusion that's your best opprutunity to poke. Perhaps another thing to know is the fact that Singed and Teemo's poison can proc Twin Fang's CD reduction. Multitudes of DIFFERENT things, most of this you folks probably know, but if you didn't, you just read 2 facts about some popular champions.
These steps weren't written down with the intent of sounding like "the best LoL player ever". I'm not the best, but I sure as Hell know I'm not the worst. I'm somewhere in between, like a lot of people. I formulated these steps while looking back on where I started when I played LoL and where I am now. I realized that, I got better because rather than mastering ONE champion and always maining them, I started playing other champs and eventually moved on. Now I have a deeper bench of champs to pull from and a broader skill set.
Overall this thread isn't meant to tell you "how to play" more or less it is meant to offer insight. If you think knowing 2 or 3 champions by heart, knowing that you completely own with them no matter what, makes you the best LoL player you're sorely mistaken. I am damn good with 3 champs, I know ~12 others like the back of my hand, the other ~75 I have a pretty good knowledge of them and I plan to keep learning.
I'm 100% sure that this is why I'm consistent in my games. Consistent meaning: Decently farmed, ususally positive in my KDR, fair number of assists, finish 85% of my build 99% of the time. Consistent consistent consistent. I don't mean that I'm the best, I always win, I always carry, or I always OWN face. I mean that within any set number of games I can perform at a high level of quality. Yes, I have bad games, we all do. But I think my match history win or lose represents my consistency.
I got to this level of consistency through ~1250 games of LoL....1250....I know some people have WAY more, I know some people are positive on their win/loss colomn. I might not be the guy who has the ability to always do amazing things, but I'm the guy who always tries to bring my "A" game.