No Nid did do that dmg all the time. Ppl just forgot her as Ap becaus of some minor nerfs way back. She is great in Soloq becaus of her poke. Ppl like to catch her spears and only a few know the right amount of aggassion (aka. when to go in and when not)

My friend did 98% damage in one spear to me during a test when I had an Aby Scepter and I was running Twisted fate. The real trick is if you can dodge that spear, you can usually burst her down before she can do enough damage in her other form. Nidalee is a great solo Que champion because her spears 'seem' overpowered however are easy to dodge if you pay attention. She's not OP, but she hurts.
Ban out GoodPlays GG
I actually think people (many nid players and not) misunderstand her nyan cat form's power. She can really dish some damage if you have opportunity and a sense of timing. Nidalee players ofter overlook their often squishy builds and suicide with this, whereas those who don't use her can underestimate it and get dunked.
As for her spear, makes for a strong nuke. Good map visibility can get you some great kills too.
As for her spear, makes for a strong nuke. Good map visibility can get you some great kills too.
Ok so generally you people say this is the first good
Nidalee I met? Seriously, hit me like 400ish on lvl 3 o_O. Later I made it to 80ish MR but still 2 hitted me easily, and if I jump in to burst her I can't dodge point blank spears...

Feel free to +rep me if i helped any way!
ppl keep saying XY is OP but most of the time they are just not familiar with that champ. and as we have dozens of champs it takes time to get used to their abilites, ranges, and so on.
what normally I do is coming here check a guide and figure out his/her/its weakness as usually it is mentioned in it.
what normally I do is coming here check a guide and figure out his/her/its weakness as usually it is mentioned in it.
BusDriver210 wrote:
No offense, but if your dying to point blank spears your an idiot.
Dodged 1st spear, jumped in, started to attack, boom point blank.. tell me how to dodge that. And 2 hitting an off-tank is something I havn't seen so far.

Feel free to +rep me if i helped any way!
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Feel free to +rep me if i helped any way!