Why are the Victory/Defeat words in match history changed to FULL CAPS? I swear everytime I look at my match history now after a loss it won't say well yeah defeat but more like...
or is it just me
or is it just me
nog even kort samengevat: een lampje is voor dove mensen, een ratelapparaat voor blinden. het mooiste is natuurlijk een combinatie van beide: een lampje met een ratelapparaat, voor het geval er iemand langskomt die blind én doof is.
You know me.
EDIT: To QQ: Dat feel when your full AP jungle Nidalee jungle has:
- outdamaged you by practically nothing
- the same amount of kills as you
- less assists than you
- more deaths than you
And you're the ****ing support Blitzcrank.
EDIT: To QQ: Dat feel when your full AP jungle Nidalee jungle has:
- outdamaged you by practically nothing
- the same amount of kills as you
- less assists than you
- more deaths than you
And you're the ****ing support Blitzcrank.
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
God if those nerfs actually go through I may as well archive my Lucian guide since I hate non-crit builds, and that's just cementing him into the Youmuu's Cleaver buid.
Rip Vapora's Guide To Lucian, 2016-2016.
It's Graves all over again. ;-; And now I'm out of mobile lane bullies to main. Guess I'll just fall back onto late-game hypercarries in Tristana and wait until Vayne is good again too.
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