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Official QQ Thread

Creator: jhoijhoi June 6, 2011 7:25am
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Mowen's Forum Avatar
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Nov 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 6, 2011 10:22am | Report
You know what really grinds my gears? WHEN PPL DON'T SAVE SMITE TO LAST HIT MONSTERS!
Xaioli's Forum Avatar
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Sep 11th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 6, 2011 10:26am | Report
How is Ranked Solo Queue 90% Luck? o.o.

HSGG having 2 accounts at #1 and #2 and BFJIJI having 2 accounts at #3 and #4 shows that Solo Queue isn't luck. If it's luck because you get 'noobs', everybody gets 'noobs'. >_>
Xiaowiriamu's Forum Avatar
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Nov 27th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 6, 2011 10:53am | Report
I knew someone would respond with that larken.

Hotshot or bfjiji probably went duo with someone else, having 2 people who knowingly KNOW how to play would make it easier for them to solo queue because theyll just be carrying, i doubt hotshotgg got to that rank alone, and even still he probably got lucky in the extent that his first 20 games were wins, which are the most important because winning first 20 = like 1750 which is way out of ELO hell (if it exists) and its also likely that at that rating people wouldn't be quitting, going afk, picking stupid lineups etc.

If Hotshotgg second account; were (WHAT IF theory) in the case of him going in and soneone quiting and then resulting in his smurf losing first 10~20 games then hell be like 1000 ELO battling his way through elo hell.

It is based on luck, 90% is obviously an over exageration, and you can't measure luck, and luck is still argued to even exist, by luck I mean the extent that there are so many factors to be considered and elements. If i go into the game and just so happen to get carried to 2100 ELO but i still go 0/15/0 every game, does this mean i deserve that ELO? Does this mean I'm better than those below me? does it? This is why ELO generally doesn't work, ELO systems in other games don't work either, especially Halo Reach where i played actively and was put in the highest ELO possible, which i know i didn't deserve because i was honestly getting owned and losing a lot of games.

The message i'm getting across is that the system does not work and solo queue doesn't represent your performance or for that matter nothing 'ranked' does. So since it doesnt represent performance how it gods name it shows a true ranking system i don't know as i've already entailed, someone at 600 ELO could be better than those in top 20. It's not they're better, but its the question of WHAT IF and could. also since you're RANDOMLY selected with team-mates who byno means you probably have NEVER played with its clear to assume that it'll be generally lucky that they're decent, talk, respond, know and understand the game at the level you're at and also have the champions needed for the lineup. It's like the lottery really, you have it your head the team you want (numbers) but 90% of the time, or in this instance 99.99999% of the time you don't get the team you want and theres always someone...that one person on your team (well at least in my experience - 1000 games of ranked) who flames, quits, picks a silly champion, etc.
VoiD's Forum Avatar
Nov 15th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 6, 2011 10:57am | Report
I QQ that Im too stupid to finish portal 2.
Xaioli's Forum Avatar
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Sep 11th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 6, 2011 10:59am | Report
Very few people get carried to high elo. Same goes with low elo. There are very few actual 'good players' in low elo, but that dosen't justify saying that Solo Queue is mainly out of luck. You get carried to an extent before you hit this brick wall that truly tests your skill. See if you can climb over it, if not, get back down.

Some people will completely get carried, but that's extremely rare. Solo Queue is based off skill, not luck >_>. If you're QQ'ing about 'noobs' and 'feeders', everybody gets those type of people. That's the only logical reason why I could think of why Solo Queue would be out of 'luck'. Skill is winning your lane, possibly getting fed, helping your teammates, take objectives/get kills, win games. Simply it.
Xiaowiriamu's Forum Avatar
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Nov 27th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 6, 2011 11:31am | Report
I rarely lose my lane but i can't help my team feeding at their lanes even if im attempting ganks.

you say "Skill is is winning your lane, possibly getting fed, helping your teammates, take objectives/get kills..." but all those factors are based and surrounded around a team. A team which i've already said is what selected at rando bla bla bla. I mean its easy saying

"Yeah win your lane, gank, get fed, win." i mean... that isn't always the case for a start as some lineups are stronger late game, and especially since late game its usually whoever dies first loses.

Besides you've already clarified my point, however rare theres always an exception which therefore justifies that the ELO system does not work. I'm not QQ'ing about noobs or feeders im essentially stating the facts that are clear on the table.

"If you're QQ'ing about 'noobs' and 'feeders', everybody gets those type of people." theres a small percentage of 'chance' that someone won't get these people which in turn amounts to them getting a high elo. higher the elo the better the players... well theoretically.

"You get carried to an extent before you hit this brick wall that truly tests your skill." what is this? i've heard of a ceiling, which is commonly referred to in FPs games as theres a limitation to movement and accuracy. The only thing that doesn't remain constant is strategies. So what is exactly testing 'my' skill? the strategies that my enemy is using, the fact im unable to carry my team? Thing is, in games like this it's very difficult to win in a scenario where your team or even 1 person in your team is bad. If for say one person in a team is doing bad it brings the others down to. for instance your team-mate in mid loses control. Now middle ganks and you die at top because your team-mate didn't call SS when he died etc. now you lost yourlane and so fourth.

Thing is with solo queue is to just keep going and keep playing. you win some you lose some, hence why the majority of players are around 50% win ratio. Playing 10000 ranked games could mean you'e in the exact same position as you were. I hit 1500 in 160 ranked or so and im still here after 1000 ranked. This doesn't make me bad which most people think (ha you're still ___ ELO after ___ games) but just confirms that you win some and lose some. The generaly basis that solo queue is based on luck is due to the factors in place.

Arguing that someone who goes 15/5/15 consistently every-game and doesn't lose his/her lane etc. but is at 600 deserves to be that elo is unjustifiable. I have a few friends myself who perform better than me but due to their 'luck' they're unranked and at 900 ELO and there match history is just >_< because they go like 15/0 every game, its obvious they don't deserve that ELO but they still lose because it's difficult to carry. especially if you're playing a tank or support and being fed or controlling lane doesn't make a whole lotta' difference.
Cloudtitan's Forum Avatar
Feb 14th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 6, 2011 11:57am | Report
Solo queue ranked is mostly luck. There is quiet a lot of skill that is required. Every once and a while you will get the feeder/leaver/rager, but for solo queue someone needs to take charge and tell people what to do. Sure there is some luck in getting the people that know what they are doing in the lower elo's but as you get higher you find less and less of them.
Considereth's Forum Avatar
Jul 27th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 6, 2011 12:01pm | Report
Everyone get bad players, I know this myself. At like 1000 elo, you should duo q to get out. I didn't though, I just flat out went legendary every game with Pantheon/Malphite when they were consider good champions.

To be honest, I haven't seen a player in ELO Hell that I have played with that deserve 1500+ elo, I'm serious. I've seen some 1000 elo players that should be 1300 elo but that is about it.

Like when people claim about elo hell, I check their match history and look at their cs. If they are playing a carry and the game has last for more than 30 minutes and they do not have over 200 CS = yeah they deserve their rating. o.o

If you are playing a Carry and do not have over 100 cs by 20 minutes you are doing something wrong.

In ranked, the best you can do is this:

-Dominate your Lane
-Make Smart Calls for Your Team

If you do this every game you will get out of ELO HELL. It might take awhile but you will. :)

Special thanks to Xiaowiriamu for the banner!

The higher your structure is to be, the deeper must be its foundation. - Augustine
Pwnzor1130's Forum Avatar
Jan 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 6, 2011 12:03pm | Report
Solo Queue isn't entirely luck, but it isn't entirely skill either. Sometimes I carry hard, other times I'm 12-0 and I lose. Everybody gets brain-dead teammates once in a while, but it seems to be getting more and more frequent. XD

Thanks to The Nameless Bard and Vavena for the sigs!
Xiaowiriamu's Forum Avatar
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Nov 27th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 6, 2011 12:09pm | Report
"Solo Queue isn't entirely luck, but it isn't entirely skill either. Sometimes I carry hard, other times I'm 12-0 and I lose. Everybody gets brain-dead teammates once in a while, but it seems to be getting more and more frequent. XD"

+rep well said. can't argue with that ^_^

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