Thought I'd share my first game as Thresh, being such a Thresh enthusiast.
CC with Ashe combo is silly, would probably be the same deal with Varus. The Box is broken as hell. I was surprised at the range you can actually pick souls up in live, it isn't as dangerous as I thought it would be.
enemy Thresh was either braindead, trolling, or had a very loose definition of "support"; but I think I have his itemization down pretty good. Definitely my new support pickup, and comtemplating a guide after all the nonsense first few weeks of him are over.
OTGBionicArm wrote:
comtemplating a guide after all the nonsense first month and a half of him is over.
Also, congrats! ^^
Nunu can be a good toplaner (people forget it, lawl), he has Q sustain, E damage + countermobility, and he sets up for jungler ganks really nicely, I reckon singed was kinda bedazzled. But he built like a moron on a stick (random dfg, no HP whatsoever, lawl) so he deserved to lose.
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