Bottom 3 are ARAM games, all losses. In this order, Malphite, Karma, Fiddlesticks. (I did bad as fiddlesticks wut[Nidalee + Soraka on other team QQ])
Top 3 are when me and my friend started playing together today.
So I learned 2 things today
1. Play with him more. He gives me good luck at doing really good.
2. Alistar is OP as **** in 3v3.
go mid
don't b or leave mid
don't b or leave mid
Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
Also, get Nidalee, Blitzcrank, Soraka, or Sona on your team.
If you have 2+ of those, it's unfair. If you have 1, you have around a 70% chance of winning.
There is skill involved, but who your team gets is obviously something that affects it a lot. Yi NEEDS to go AP, or at least hybrid.
Yorick isn't bad in ARAM. I've now lost to him twice.
If you have 2+ of those, it's unfair. If you have 1, you have around a 70% chance of winning.
There is skill involved, but who your team gets is obviously something that affects it a lot. Yi NEEDS to go AP, or at least hybrid.
Yorick isn't bad in ARAM. I've now lost to him twice.
Died once in my last 5 games with Nid. 2 good.
Nidalee - Olympic Gold Medalist Guide <-- Recently Updated
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Thanks to jhoijhoi for this amazing sig
What People Look For In a Guide
So, for one, the enemy Galio couldn't 1v1 Soraka, hence two of my four kills.
They also didn't realize the threat of the "F*cking DPS-ing AP Soraka" (their words, not mine) until 20 minutes in, so I got assist fed as all hell.
In short, this game was FUN.
Guys, where do you upload your pictures too? Cuz I just tried to use imageshack and then the insert image command but when I preview my post the pictures show the broken icon.
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I make sigs, PM me if you want one :D (Thanks for the Nidalee sig, The_Nameless_Bard!)