Lol Lazukin xD n1
Gangplank is a ******** OP now xD
Won a 4v5, where Ali was away the first five minutes and Karthus left after 10 minutes.
Needless to say that Gragas sucked ***. I scored a doublekill alone in top in lvl 4 by kiting Trynda and Gragas like a baws. The worst thing is, my team only got fed when teamfight begun. Kata was 4-3 in laning phase and Ali was 2-3 xD
he can absolutely carry like a freaking BAWS now.
Gangplank is a ******** OP now xD
Won a 4v5, where Ali was away the first five minutes and Karthus left after 10 minutes.
Needless to say that Gragas sucked ***. I scored a doublekill alone in top in lvl 4 by kiting Trynda and Gragas like a baws. The worst thing is, my team only got fed when teamfight begun. Kata was 4-3 in laning phase and Ali was 2-3 xD
he can absolutely carry like a freaking BAWS now.
I know it's in beginning elo but this was a great game. It ended when I stole Baron with a miracle lay waste bomb, followed by just straight pushing into their base for the win. (we had it warded so i could get a good guess, but if I missed it might have been the end for us instead)
the two on their team not showing up are lee sin and brand. Sorry I'm not sure how to resize the image.
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