Bloofyre wrote:
May a squadron of beautiful vaginas find their way to your crotch by day's end.
Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
Xin Zhao is too OP :[

Check out my youtube channel:

Started out as a 2v3 as I took top and nunu went bot. We were both killed to the point of going 0/2, but then I got my Giants Belt and got a double kill. From there on, I went on a 9 kill streak and xin came back, doing pretty well.
However, their Shaco became really scary. I could literally kill him (or anyone else actually) with one spell rotation, but he could do the same for me. Xin refused to push though, wanting his "full set" of items. It quickly became a losing game, as Shaco destroyed us all and got an Oracle's Elixir.
However, I sold my boots and bought a Warmogs Armor, and with the help of 600 AP and a Lich Bane, flashed into their base, killed their turret, and ended the game :D
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One of my favorite comeback wins ever. Noct got super fed and could 1v5 us early game, but eventually we came back after Orianna killed Nocturne, getting her 1000 gold. We were still getting screwed though. Minions were at our nexus and the last turret had 1 hp, but the inhibitor came up, saving the turret.
Later I got an epic ult, getting us 4 kills for the ace :3
(Thornmail + Galio ult is double awesome)
YEA, that was so fuggin intense man. It was like a sure loss at first, he kept instakilling 1v5ing us, but I told everyone we can turn this around late game once I got my deathcap and Sion got his **** (which we did).
OOOOHMYGOSH that was so epic.
Replay is posted in the replay thread btw ^_^