Game breakthrough: I was laning mid vs LeBlanc, we had Swain and Vlad bot vs Teemo and Garen, Kennen solo top vs Kennen and Nunu, and Amumu jungling.
A couple of minutes in Vlad complains about lag and says he's going to dc and try to fix whatever problem he has. He goes away for 10 minutes. We start out losing quite hard, they get all of our outer turrets before we even get their any of theirs. But, we had a superb AoE team, Amumu ult, Kennen ult, Vlad ult, and Swain's snare. We were shredding them appart in every team fight. Or I was tearing them apart.
300k+ damage dealt, 370+ CS. GG
Nidalee - Olympic Gold Medalist Guide <-- Recently Updated

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Decided to try Dante's build, and it's just amazing. Autolock in on everyone (including me trolol), so we had no tank. No problem, after a rough early game, we came back. Hard.
I could literally two hit their squishies with a max crit of 1049 (No infinity edge lols) and they could barely hurt me with all the armor and MR I had. our whole team quickly enough started destroying them and we finished with a 26k gold lead. :D
EDIT: Also, I soloed baron XD

It's the best Shaco jungling section out of any guide imo.
This game was also pretty close, with a semi-fed tankturne who shredded us and a great Amumu. However, their Xin tried stealing my wolves in my jungle, and I just won't have that. I hat it warded with my wriggles and killed him.
Later, Nocturne got pulled into a 1v5 while warding baron. We killed him, continued on to his now unorganized team, and killed the rest although Amumu got a nice ult and Xin doublekilled me and Jax. From there, we pushed the nexus towers and won.
Also, Toasty Gloves, who is in practically all of my games, is currently level 28. I'm trying to get him to 30 so we can play ranked together, he's really good :D (He has an epic bandit sivir skin)

Why are my solo queue normal games always more high-level than my ranked games or premade normals? This is probably the closest game I've played in a LONG time, and everyone on both teams was actually really good. Score flip-flopped numerous times, and what decided it was when we picked Taric out of position and got to Baron off it, turning the score to 14-13 in our favor with Baron.

Oh hello there! I hear some people are talking about my Shaco guide :D!?
I must say these couple of posts have brought the biggest smile to my face, I'm really glad how much people appreciate the hard work that has gone into the guide!
I would like to take the time and remind people now that I am just giving you a build and guidelines, the amazing scores are ALL YOU (inspiring words amirite?).
Woop Woop love you guys <3
EDIT: Dont forget to fav the guide and comment if you need any advice, etc.
Also lol at how ur kills are like your assists every game :D
I must say these couple of posts have brought the biggest smile to my face, I'm really glad how much people appreciate the hard work that has gone into the guide!
I would like to take the time and remind people now that I am just giving you a build and guidelines, the amazing scores are ALL YOU (inspiring words amirite?).
Woop Woop love you guys <3
EDIT: Dont forget to fav the guide and comment if you need any advice, etc.
Also lol at how ur kills are like your assists every game :D
Dante Rebellion wrote:
Oh hello there! I hear some people are talking about my Shaco guide :D!?
I must say these couple of posts have brought the biggest smile to my face, I'm really glad how much people appreciate the hard work that has gone into the guide!
I would like to take the time and remind people now that I am just giving you a build and guidelines, the amazing scores are ALL YOU (inspiring words amirite?).
Woop Woop love you guys <3
EDIT: Dont forget to fav the guide and comment if you need any advice, etc.
Also lol at how ur kills are like your assists every game :D
:D I noticed the kills and assists thing too haha.
But yeah, Shaco is by far my favorite champion, it's too bad that apparently he's not viable at high ELO.
And yes, I'll be sure to favorite your guide :D
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That name suits this Vlad right.