+rep me and you'll get good karma, wich means you won't be reincarnated into a rock! Isn't that awesome?
But yes this idea has been discussed more than Pam Anderson's tits in a plastic surgeons office.
It's announced as "Legendary kill" both in chat and by the announcer.
It would also technically be called a "Hexakill" then a "Sectakill" and I don't remember what 8 or 9 is but 10 kills, which is the most physically possible, is a "Decakill"
Dyrus has done it in a "Legit" ranked game.
It would also technically be called a "Hexakill" then a "Sectakill" and I don't remember what 8 or 9 is but 10 kills, which is the most physically possible, is a "Decakill"
Dyrus has done it in a "Legit" ranked game.
Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
Lugignaf wrote:
It's announced as "Legendary kill" both in chat and by the announcer.
It would also technically be called a "Hexakill" then a "Sectakill" and I don't remember what 8 or 9 is but 10 kills, which is the most physically possible, is a "Decakill"
Dyrus has done it in a "Legit" ranked game.
It doesn't actually announce Legendary kill, the video of that is fake. In that game Dyrus killed 10 in a row (they kept running at him with revive/teleport) and pentakill was the last thing it said.
Beeswarm17 wrote:
Octakill and nonakill, for 8 and 9.
But yeah, after 5, it's just "legendary kill".
this guy knows his chemistry naming.
Khazem wrote:
It doesn't actually announce Legendary kill, the video of that is fake. In that game Dyrus killed 10 in a row (they kept running at him with revive/teleport) and pentakill was the last thing it said.
Hence why I said "legit" also, second video of more than 6 kills in a row.
See, it says it.
10 consecutive kills are actually announced as, "Duffta" kills.
Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
DuffTime wrote:
10 consecutive kills are actually announced as, "Duffta" kills.
No, 15 consecutive kills are Duffta kills, since summoners are allowed to take 2 revives when playing against you, due to concerns of more death time than game time.
Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Sigs made by: LaCorpse, jhoijhoi, Katoki, JEFFY40HANDS, The_Nameless_Bard and Sk1llbug
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I mean, if you get a penta and an enemy use revive + teleport and you kill him fast enough, will it give you a nice Sixta kill?
or not?