I'm talking mostly about top champs, like Tryndamere or Riven. Ignite + Heal = you win every 1v1 fight for free and can tower dive like a boss.
Even then it's a close call, I'm still undecided between Flash and Heal on Riven.
Even then it's a close call, I'm still undecided between Flash and Heal on Riven.
okay well now that I know your jungling I would just say get flash like everyone else said, and try to make sure your laner is aware of you ganking. Couldn't tell you how many times ive blown flash and the laner had no idea I was ganking...Yeah and get tanky and grab early oracles and control dragon and ganks wont even matter that much.
On most champions this is a simple choice. Flash, most of the time, is the best choice. On Udyr it is debatable though. He has no range at all, so using flash as a gap closer also puts you on the front lines. For ganking this is 'risk' is non-existent, but come mid-late game flash begins to really become a one trick pony on Udyr. Making a entirely melee character dependent on a one time, very long CD, gap closer doesn't sound smart to me. Ghost gives you a little less surprise when ganking, but can still warrant successful ganks.
What I'm trying to say is that yes flash is strong and a great pick. For Udyr I would argue a great deal on its importance. Flash has been king for a while, but honestly Ghost works on Udyr.
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There is no argument really. Flash is just plain better than Ghost on every single champion I can think of.
Inb4 some ******* lists a bunch of champions to try to prove me wrong.
Inb4 some ******* lists a bunch of champions to try to prove me wrong.
Luther3000 wrote:
There is no argument really. Flash is just plain better than Ghost on every single champion I can think of.
Inb4 some ******* lists a bunch of champions to try to prove me wrong.
Depends on the player's positioning skill. To be honest.
+Rep me if i'm useful!
I'd agree with Luther on this one. Few champions can make good use of not having Flash, such as Vladimir (who's only good with it because of trollpool). Udyr has a movement speed boost already in his E, and will swiftly (oh god that was an unintentional pun) hit the movement speed cap if he has ghost AND his E. It's worse on Udyr than anybody else, especially considering Udyr has no gap closer.
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