^^ Right although his new passive sucks compared to his old one, the new is superposed to be weaker? not stronger but at least it will equal itself out by giving you the gold to buy items to make up for lack of damage you lose from the old passive, this is where good draven players will continue to shine, and players who played draven sub-par with him and still dominated because of his op passive will fall

Sig by Emikadon
Thank you jhoijhoi, Keondre, LaCorpse, The_Nameless_Bard, Arcana3, Apfeljack, Hogopogo, eddie199, Xiaowiriamu, and JEFFY40HANDS for the spectacular sigs!

I think you're not stressing this enough. Draven is an early game champion, period! Giving him a late game passive is useless, sure it makes him scale into late game better, but draven players succeed late game thanks to a crushing early game. And besides, since it will be harder for him to kill, it will be harder to proc this passive.
I think this is a Big nerf! This passive could have been a buff for
I think this is a Big nerf! This passive could have been a buff for

- special thanks to VirusNG1, LaCorpse
- special thanks to VirusNG1, LaCorpse
yeah hes supposed to be an early game champion, not a secured first blood in champion select champion, he will still have the damage from spinning axes just not the ability to three shot people at level 1

Thanks to TheNamelessBard for the signature
^ His passive is only good for harassing, not going all-in. If he 3-shots you at level 1, it's because his axes have super high base damage, not because his passive is ******edly strong.
Yes this is definitely a nerf, but it doesn't change the fact that each of Draven's individual axes nuke as hard as a spell at level 9, and he can continuously attack with them with no cooldown. IMO he'll still be pretty strong, just slightly weaker at really low levels where his axes still don't do that much damage.
Yes this is definitely a nerf, but it doesn't change the fact that each of Draven's individual axes nuke as hard as a spell at level 9, and he can continuously attack with them with no cooldown. IMO he'll still be pretty strong, just slightly weaker at really low levels where his axes still don't do that much damage.

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