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What was the biggest lose you ever had?

Creator: Vandore January 27, 2013 7:21pm
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DeadshotCalamity's Forum Avatar
Mar 14th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 28, 2013 11:54pm | Report
Not exactly the biggest loss ever, but was the only game I where I straight up tipped my hat to the enemy and said "Well played my friends, well played."

It started out pretty normal, pretty back and forth but the two of us were very very reserved that game. At 30 mins in the score was an even 10-10. But when lategame rolled around the enemy team cohesively stuck together and co-ordinated surgical strike after surgical strike. They mindgamed us hard.

When teamfights rolled around their effectiveness as a team was something truly to behold. Their bruisers knew exactly how to peel me, and were always careful to not peel me for too long. Their adc was always in range of our brusers to rain holy hell upon them. It was just insane, we got outplayed. Hard.

Apparently what happenend was the enemy karthus about 20 mins in managed to convince the morde, kog, and jarvan to join him and thresh on their skype chat. So they got really well organized while me and my team generally ran around like chickens with our heads cut off in comparison.
Vandore's Forum Avatar
Dec 14th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 29, 2013 7:44pm | Report

Well, we were up 27-12 (yeah i know, not that much), pushing down the inhibs on all lanes. We decided to all group mid to push to win. Enemy Amumu and Shen initiated on us and guess what, 3 people on our team dc and proceed to be slaughtered by the enemy team as they are locked under taunts and snares. 2 of the people never reconnect, and we lost all hope and surrendered.

Another one was when it was a tight game, but we had the edge and would come out in front out of teamfights. our Vayne back doored for no apparent reason and got the nexus REALLY low, like 200 health. thats were we went full ****** and constantly dove into the base to try and get the nexus. we gave them a baron and 7-8 kills. G ****ing G. lost about 25 elo from those 2 losses.
YESHHHH... ik what you mean. this is kinda the stupidest WIN i ever had.. i was WU and we were losing by SO much. 30/10. then the whole team decided to dc :D except me.. Wukong.. then i of course was playing around and died. cuz i knew it was gg. then they all got back (ik weird my whole team dc'd and got back) and we... yeah... WON.
utopus's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 29, 2013 9:04pm | Report
I played a ranked teams with my friends. My friend Jason chose akali, and got 8 kills mid before the 15:00 mark. We decided that game to set up as many kills for him as possible. We decided that for fun, we should try to get Jason to get up to 100 kills. We knocked down 3 inhibitors, constantly got baron, and let jason get all the kills. He ended somewhere around 73, before the opposing team actually got enough money to complete their builds, and team fights. We were so set on letting jason have the kills, that we lost 2 consecutive team fights, costing us the game. So close, and yet, so far :<
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Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
IAmByakuya's Forum Avatar
Sep 4th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 30, 2013 8:01am | Report
I could tell you countless stories that wouldnt let you sleep at night...
Gave you a good laugh or helped? rep+ so i can know ;)

Thanks to TinyStar, Jhoi, Xiaowi, Virus, Bard and Arcana(eww)...for my signatures!

Elohell is like Irelia's stun: if your real level is equal or lower than the level you are in, you're STUNNED there forever. If your actual level is higher than the level you are in, you're just SLOWED in your way up.
Clu Gulager
Clu Gulager's Forum Avatar
Apr 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 30, 2013 8:08am | Report
^How about just 1?
ZeroSoulreaver's Forum Avatar
Dec 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 30, 2013 11:07am | Report
Had this game the other day where I used Morgana mid. I was against an Ezreal and kept ganking him and preventing him from farming. I was lv 13 and everyone was like lv 7 or 8 So I tell everyone to push mid, they push mid for 5 seconds and a team fight breaks out. They run away back to their lanes leaving me alone mid. I pinged like crazy and kited the enemy team to our team, they ran again so I died obviously.

We lost the game because they kept focusing on me. When they finally pushed lanes they never pushed the lane that was all the way to their last tower, so we lost the chance. They just kept pushing lanes that were even and then dieing because the other team would hide and team gank whoever tried to push a lane.

So yeah, needless to say I was pissed lol. We had the game won but the team I was on lost as soon as the game started "omgz they have an OP team were gonna lose!" They clearly didn't want to win or play the game.

-I'll ADC you l8er-
BlindGarret2930's Forum Avatar
Jan 30th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2013 11:15am | Report
Had a Shaco game, recently. Jungling shaco, everything is going swimmingly, give myself a smiteless leash blue and go steal the enemy Malphites red. Come back to get my red, and then gank renekton top. Couldn't possibly be going better. After a few moments though I gank bot, it went poorly. I get a little behind but nothing out of the ordinary. I head back into my jungle to find that between the maphite and the renekton on the other team it had been completely cleared... upsetting but still being a little behind on xp isn't the end of the world. I start to get back to jungling while throwing a gank in here or there, but I can't get back up to level bcuz Our top Lee Sin continously takes my Golems and drops down to take blue from mid as well, and our mid is farming my wraiths on respawn like this was season 2 again. I ask politely for them to stop as I'm now almost 3 levels behind to which they respond STFU NUB... -_- well.... now I'm an underleveled underfarmed shaco who is basically a free kill in a team fight, so I avoid teamfights and focus on using my escape abilities to splitpush. Well long story short i singlehandedly break 5 towers and an inhib while my team cowers in our base never initiating any fights just letting themselves be caught out one by one. at one point near the end i'm pushing for the top tower so i can get a second inhib and maybe turn the game, only to be caught by a rather clever trap by Renekton and Malzahar.

I die, and Lee Sin says in all chat "Please report Shaco." I'm debating with myself as to if I should respond angrily, instead I just say, "Yes, for split pushing and getting caught plz do." Oddly the enemy team (in particular the Renekton who was carrying) comes to my defense saying "Uh, hes the one who is killing objectives" or "There's nothing reportable about being counter jungled and underleveled". Needless to say they crushed us in the end. It was a terrible fight with my team cowering and me being hounded by there malz. But the silver lining was getting to watch my enemy team give me 5 honorables and tell a jerk team mate to stuff it.
Psychofrench's Forum Avatar
Dec 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2013 11:43am | Report
I had a game where we had all the turrets and they had NONE! Nothing, nada...After taking the last turret, it's just me and Xin. He backs out! I start the Nexus, he hesitates, comes back and chomps at it. We are almost done,maybe a couple of hits and bam! They are out on us. I'm thinking, next time...Well, it never happened,and somewhat we lost. If Xin stays and attack the Nexus right away, it's GG.
ChaosxSoul's Forum Avatar
Oct 1st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2013 3:32pm | Report
This happened a few weeks ago. I was playing Leona support with a Tristana. I managed to give 3 kills to tris and we had taken bot.Everything was fine, until our top died for the first time.

Tristana started calling us all noobs, decided to never help us and kept pushing bot. Even when we told her to come help us in teamfight she kept saying that we sucked and even used her elo to prove that she was better then us. And she had bronze elo.

I hate playing with people like this piece of ****.
Thanks to TinyStar for making me this awesome sig
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