I think the amount of health the character using heal should be nerfed, but the ally heal should be buffed.
Yeap i'm talking about making it less devastating for top/mid chars. And more of a support pick.
Yeap i'm talking about making it less devastating for top/mid chars. And more of a support pick.
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
i use heal to trick my enemies. Kind of like baiting, let them think they can win. I go all out at then when it's the 2 of use almost 05 hp i just use heal and get the upper-hand.
This. People can say that heal is just a compensation for noob plays, but that is only because they fail to understand how to use it tactically. The amount of people I've baited under the tower with low health and then healed/stunned into oblivion for a free kill is tremendous.
In addition, a well-timed heal can completely change the dynamics of a teamfight. It demoralizes your enemies and it gives your team an instant boost in confidence.
Let the trolls alone, people like us will continue to use it wisely and win games because of it.
You can't peddle papooses with a dancing monkey.
I think the amount of health the character using heal should be nerfed, but the ally heal should be buffed.
Yeap i'm talking about making it less devastating for top/mid chars. And more of a support pick.
I support this.
It's dumb in a solo.

Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
Klausenheim wrote:
This. People can say that heal is just a compensation for noob plays, but that is only because they fail to understand how to use it tactically. The amount of people I've baited under the tower with low health and then healed/stunned into oblivion for a free kill is tremendous.
In addition, a well-timed heal can completely change the dynamics of a teamfight. It demoralizes your enemies and it gives your team an instant boost in confidence.
Let the trolls alone, people like us will continue to use it wisely and win games because of it.
You crafty **********er you.

Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
DuffTime wrote:
It's dumb in a solo.
Dumb good.
Mordekaiser + Heal = Double Kill @ level 4.
I walked into their jungle to steal wraiths at level 4, and Riven was there clearing them.
I Q+W+E her, and she's at maybe half.
Then i walk out into mid, and anivia and her come to fight me.
I'm 50hp, and i heal, riven dies, and anivia is egged, then my jungle sion runs up and stuns anivia as she rezes and i get double kill.
Any other summoner spell and i would have died.
If people are stupid enough to sit there and fight you, heal is pretty stronk.
Tri lane for life.
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