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[Suggestion] Ability to "Duplicate" a...

Creator: Zeprido June 23, 2011 7:40pm

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Dec 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 23, 2011 7:40pm | Report
*Not Urgent or absolutely necessary*

When adding multiple copies of the same champion to a guide, it is necessary to completely re-enter everything when adding a second version of a champion.
I am suggesting the ability to duplicate a champion's runes, masteries, skill order, runes, and items.
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Canoas's Forum Avatar
Nov 9th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 23, 2011 8:34pm | Report
I do not like guides with two build, therefore I am against this.
If you're going to include more than 2 builds in the guide then I want you to have all the work of adding the masteries, skills and such all over again.

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Dec 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 23, 2011 11:55pm | Report
Canoas wrote:

I do not like guides with two build, therefore I am against this.
If you're going to include more than 2 builds in the guide then I want you to have all the work of adding the masteries, skills and such all over again.


Thank you for sharing your opinion.
I'd rather not spend another 5 minutes doing something that is tedious .
The purpose of multiple builds is to give examples of different build orders etc.
Every game is different, not all players who look at guides actually READ them, so I'd prefer to give them a few options to work with since there are so many players who just mindlessly follow a guide item for item.
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Matt's Forum Avatar
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Dec 8th, 2009
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 24, 2011 12:08am | Report
Would be a convenient thing to have :) However, due to the complexity of adding this feature, and the lack of demand for it, it probably won't get added any time soon :( I will add it to the list and keep it in mind though.
Canoas's Forum Avatar
Nov 9th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 24, 2011 5:25am | Report
Zeprido wrote:

Thank you for sharing your opinion.
I'd rather not spend another 5 minutes doing something that is tedious .
The purpose of multiple builds is to give examples of different build orders etc.
Every game is different, not all players who look at guides actually READ them, so I'd prefer to give them a few options to work with since there are so many players who just mindlessly follow a guide item for item.

I was joking..
Still, it makes no difference to me whether this is implemented or not.
JunSupport's Forum Avatar
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Oct 5th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 24, 2011 6:04am | Report
I am against this as well.

I find multi-build single-champion guides totally superficial.
All fluff, little depth.

If there's a second build you truly want to include, there should be enough different specs to not need a duplicate the build.

Now... A copy-guide-draft feature.

That's a feature I would love to have.
So many times, I would love to be able to copy my guide, so I could have a back-up as I fiddle with the new one. Just being able to back up the draft would be nice too.

Make it happen, Matt!!
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 24, 2011 1:13pm | Report
JunSupport wrote:

I am against this as well.

I find multi-build single-champion guides totally superficial.
All fluff, little depth.

If there's a second build you truly want to include, there should be enough different specs to not need a duplicate the build.


Now... A copy-guide-draft feature.

That's a feature I would love to have.
So many times, I would love to be able to copy my guide, so I could have a back-up as I fiddle with the new one. Just being able to back up the draft would be nice too.

Make it happen, Matt!!

I'd rather have a backup system that lets you convert the guide to text that you can save locally. Shouldn't be too hard.
Google has a job title called "Head of Black Community Engagement"..
I don't know whether to cry or laugh.. or both.
Matt's Forum Avatar
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Dec 8th, 2009
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 24, 2011 1:31pm | Report
Well another thing we could do is... We have a revision system already, which is how we are able to store an unpublished version separate of the published version. However, guides are pretty huge, so to avoid our database exploding we only store the one revision. It shouldn't be too much work to expand that a little bit and let you store a few more. I think this would also be more convenient than managing duplicate unpublished guides.

You could either manually back revisions, providing a name so that you'll know what it was, or I could automatically store a new revision each time you publish your guide. Then to roll back you just click one in the toolbox to bump it up to your latest and then hit publish. What do you guys think of that? I'd probably have to limit it to 2 or 3, but that should give you a lot more control.

The manual backup is handy because you could do it before making some big changes. The automatic one is also good because it could save a lot of users from lost work if they have some kind of catastrophic failure and forgot to do a manual revision. As long as they didn't publish too many times before realizing it, they could roll back and recover their work.
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 24, 2011 2:18pm | Report
I just don't see how someone would benefit from that.. Why would you even want several drafts of your guide?
"Blizzard spoke thus; Thou shalt not BM. And the players replied Nay, I shall Play my hand with Lethal already on the board. And so Blizzard sent unto them this Brawl of Yogg, As a lesson for their sins of Pride and Greed, for he is the Prophet of Madness and RNG. On that day, the tavern descended into an era of chaos and darkness, until the weekend passed and everyone forgot all about it. Amen. Book of SMOrc, Verse 20, Chapter 4." - Feam T
Matt's Forum Avatar
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Dec 8th, 2009
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 24, 2011 2:58pm | Report
For exactly the reasons stated above. A backup before you make changes, for reference, or in case you make a mistake or accidentally lose some work.
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