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what people should notice

Creator: Tr4ce January 13, 2011 12:41am
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Tr4ce's Forum Avatar
Aug 24th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 13, 2011 12:41am | Report
Sigh.. well I wrote a big wall of text... put preview.. and since mobafire logs me out.. My writing is fking gone...starts again ;/...

In mobafire people were upset that their builds were randomly getting -1's and that they don't deserve it because people weren't giving good reasons or saying that they were getting trolled on..etc...

How the scoring of scores went down.... 50% of people would give you +1 if it was good...and more if you had a nice description....around 10~30% would give you -1's....not only are people who give you -1's randomly hated by you...[depending if your that kind of person that gets mad fast...or if your pretty patient] but you call them "Trolls"...especially when about 10% gave good advice..[YEAH IK!, a negative comment gives good advice? What kind of crack does trace smoke?]....I don't.. ;/...

How the new scoring is going down....80% of comments give +1 even if it sucked..just cuz they don't want to get trolled on...[Ill explain this more in a sec] and 20% of comments which are split 15% being trolls..which you guys have created forum discussion to recognize them....which is fking stupid...pisses me off..because your now scaring that 5% [which i am part of] I like giving my opinion...I give scenarios...If you explained to me what you did...and why you did it... I'm more than glad to give you my +1. But making topics...and forcing people to comment...Sad..:/.... yeah.. I wont be a hypocrite.. I'm currently doing this to my build too.. Might take it out soon... but that's a whole different reason.

So people have always said...This build "SUCKS" it doesn't even give a explanation...and people usually give it a -1...for wasting their time.. no description etc.....
So why is it that builds that are not even finished... are getting higher rates than builds that gave a general view...or detailed view?....Is it fair that half-***ed builds are getting random +1's... while builds that are much better are being rated the same?...[Yeah, this all depends on the build...and some other stuff]

Veterans....yes, you guys complained mostly about this...But let me point out what you guys don't notice.
You have a Green Name...[Duh Trace]
So what does this mean?
Your build STANDS OUT! Your 2x or 3x most likely to get your build looked at right away compared to regular people who had their build out for weeks.. and got like 1 or 2 comments? and you have like 20?
Don't even get me started with the ***-kissing that you guys randomly get from others..."nice build +1"..
Okay if it was nice.. what the fk did you like about it....what was your score?....Oh "I liked your green name +1"...<~~ is what i always feel like their saying.
Now the Bad part...
since your build is more likely to be seen...your 2x or 3x more likely to see trolls in your build...but usually people who read will over power any troll any day.

Builds are to help newer people learn about that character and learn about how you play that character. Maybe if people weren't such ***e's some people wouldn't randomly -1 your build.

-1 and +1 Comments that give no information are worthless comments sometimes. Guys.. give scores...tell them what you liked/didn't like. It takes less than a minute....
+1 comments that say what they like are worth reading, if they comment on something they want you to try out its even better. These are people who provably read your build and you should be happy
-1 comments that tell you what your missing or why they gave you a -1 are the best comments. Are that 5% that are fading away.

~much love Trace
Diesel's Forum Avatar
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Apr 4th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 13, 2011 12:42am | Report
I understand that score matters for some people, but really, I don't see it.

Though I do agree with you about getting no criticism when you want it, that can be annoying. But this is the Internet, you'll never have a website of fully capable people helping you on your build.
Tr4ce's Forum Avatar
Aug 24th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 13, 2011 12:47am | Report
Woah.. you read it pretty fast....Yeah people are obsessed with ratings...but all i'm saying is..when you give that nice could add what you liked....and if something is bugging you it doesn't hurt to ask..but people just get mad at you.
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Apr 4th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 13, 2011 12:55am | Report
Well, giving a positive negative comment can be hard to make, because when people are obsessed about topping the Front Page, they will not see your comment as a helpful tip: they'll see the "-1" and in turn run to your page and downvote everything. It happens to all of us, and no one really wants to comment because everyone's ratings are at risk.

I wonder what this site would be like without the ratings? lol
Adonikam's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 13, 2011 1:10am | Report
We get "*** kissed"? =(
But seriously, I don't feel like there's a competition anymore, I did when I published my first guide but now I'm more relaxed and I post for OTHERS enjoyment rather then just supplementing my own.
Australians, the best gamers in the world combined with the worst ping.
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Jan 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 13, 2011 1:25am | Report
Veterans....yes, you guys complained mostly about this...But let me point out what you guys don't notice.
You have a Green Name...[Duh Trace]
So what does this mean?
Your build STANDS OUT!
The cakes a lie *****! (i'm just explaining the matter, no hard feelings) -> That was actually the first thing we noticed when we became veterans. Our names are green, yes, but we don't sniff our own farts.

You see father Matt, that's his name now, allowed us to "recommend" other builds. That's where the builds really stand out, and if you don't know, we can't recommend veteran builds. I see alot of new builds from new users who deserve to be recommended, just pray we review them.

I believe you are either misinformed or naive, but for startes that's a valid point.
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Dec 8th, 2009
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 13, 2011 1:28am | Report
The ratings are here to RANK GUIDES for the sake of the READERS. If the ratings weren't here, it would be impossible for readers to wade through the massive volume of guides. It doesn't really matter what the authors think of the scores, because they're not there for the authors. Sorry if that sounds harsh but it's true. We will try to reward you guys for your amazing work in every way that we can, EXCEPT when it comes to scoring and ranking your guides, for the integrity of the site.

These issues with scaring away legitimate down voters, piles of useless posts, people making alt accounts to vote, people retaliation voting, getting into arguments over voting disagreements, etc... Hate to say "told ya so" but we did, many times, state that all of these things would happen. However the feature was still demanded again and again. Not gonna lie, I would love to remove the feature from the site, but I can't do that unless you guys agree it needs to go, or we'll just be right back where we were with the constant arguing and picketing.

Sorry if I sound disgruntled, I'm just kind of at the end of my patience over this. Since the feature went up, I have had SEVERAL people, some of which were the loudest fighters for it in the first place, tell me that they don't like it any more and either have, or wish to turn it back off.
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Dec 8th, 2009
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 13, 2011 1:31am | Report
Alahric, I should mention that we JUST lifted the ban on Vets recommending each other (like while you were typing that message) :) You can recommend other Vet guides now (but not your own). Again, this is for the sake of the readers, not the authors. Some of our best guide authors are Vets and the recommendation feature is there to bring the best guides forward, it's unfair to our readers to handicap the recommendation system over politics.
Matt's Forum Avatar
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Dec 8th, 2009
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 13, 2011 1:39am | Report
Moved to support.
<Ancient Member>
Alahric's Forum Avatar
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Jan 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 13, 2011 1:40am | Report
Matt wrote:

Alahric, I should mention that we JUST lifted the ban on Vets recommending each other (like while you were typing that message)
Lol.. wow, guess I should read the news more often x3
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