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Brand new player asking for advice

Creator: brad821536 August 16, 2016 4:59pm
brad821536's Forum Avatar
Aug 16th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 16, 2016 4:59pm | Report
Hey guys, I'm brand new to the game. I've watched 2-3 lengthy youtube videos for beginners guides for this game since it's quite overwhelming & complicated. Installing the new update & whatnot as i'm typing this.

Okay, so on to the point of this thread. I have a few questions;
- What is the best champion to start with?(I know it's personal preference, etc... but.. what would be the most fun to learn on, or beneficial to starting out? Less discouraging to the game/more fun to play at first).

- What are some tips for starting out? I understand looking @ the build guides & whatnot will help greatly. But i'm afraid I don't know what most of it means. I do understand buying items, leveling up skills stuff like that. But overall I feel like i will be able to learn most of it in time. Just looking for general tips

- Any information or advice will be accepted. Just want to be ready to play.

chesypleasy's Forum Avatar
Aug 16th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 16, 2016 6:09pm | Report
Personally look at champs you like or visually pleasing. Personally I started with jinx and if you have friends that play talk to them also. I got a lot of help with them. But I suggest yorick as he really doesn't go in to fight unless with his ult. He is fun when you use your ult to kill someone.
brad821536's Forum Avatar
Aug 16th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 16, 2016 6:16pm | Report
Okay thank you. i guess it's just a matter of playing and figuring everything out haha.
Ekki's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 16, 2016 7:31pm | Report
But I suggest yorick as he really doesn't go in to fight unless with his ult. He is fun when you use your ult to kill someone.
No. Literally the worst suggestion possible at this time. He's super broken (in a bad way) and is about to be reworked in a couple of months. He probably won't be an "easy" champion too.

Back in the original questions (if you don't understand something just ask):
brad821536 wrote:
- Any information or advice will be accepted. Just want to be ready to play.
You're ready to play. Any advice I give here is mostly if you want to play better. I'm not sure what's the baseline skill for new players, but I'm pretty sure you'll find people that play around your skill and should be able to have fun like that no matter how good or bad you play.

brad821536 wrote:
- What is the best champion to start with?(I know it's personal preference, etc... but.. what would be the most fun to learn on, or beneficial to starting out? Less discouraging to the game/more fun to play at first).
Yes it is personal preference. As soon as you have the chance you should try every champion that looks interesting to you so you can find your fit. That said, in the meantime it's a good idea to try "easy" champions. I would list a few for each role, but remember the list is not of "the easiest" nor "the most standard", just a bunch of champions I know are easy and intuitive to play, even if they're weak or there are easiest champions out there. I also tried to only include cheap champions (for example, Jinx is easy to pick up but costing 6300 IP you might not want to waste all that IP only to not like the champion after a few games).

TOP: Garen, Dr. Mundo, Jax, Renekton
JUNGLE: Warwick (easy to kill the jungle with him), Master Yi (really fun late game, a tad bit harder than ww early), Amumu (all around useful, probably the most standard of the three here), Xin Zhao (like yi, but with easier early game and not as strong, but still strong, late game)
MID: Annie, Twisted Fate, Katarina
ADC: Ashe, Caitlyn, Ezreal
SUPP: Braum, Morgana

All of them are ordered from easiest to hardest to play decently. I added a couple of notes in the jungle because ww and yi aren't what I would call "standard" junglers, since they mostly farm the jungle with few ganks if they need to.

brad821536 wrote:
- What are some tips for starting out? I understand looking @ the build guides & whatnot will help greatly. But i'm afraid I don't know what most of it means. I do understand buying items, leveling up skills stuff like that. But overall I feel like i will be able to learn most of it in time. Just looking for general tips
Learn to farm properly. This one is just practice.

Learn all of the champions' skills, at least in general. You can do this by looking at the champion page (here in mobafire or in any lol wiki) of whoever you played with/against after every game.

Buying the right items and leveling the right skills in their proper order is a really easy way to play better though. You should at least read a guide on any champion you want to pick up, to know what you should be focusing on when playing said champion. If you don't like how that champion plays when following the guide, maybe it's not the champion for you. This is an easy way to quickly rule out champions you don't like.
brad821536's Forum Avatar
Aug 16th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 17, 2016 2:48am | Report
wow, seriously thank you for the reply. tyvm for taking the time to put all the tips and advice there.. i've been playing few hours now as garen and only have played versus bots in intro. im currently lvl 6. I think i might try out annie as i heard she is good. ty once again :D

Edit - for support & adc,do they go in any lane or?
Penita13's Forum Avatar
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Jul 24th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 17, 2016 3:23pm | Report
Support and ADC go in 1 lane together. The ADC, which stands for Attack Damage Carry, is logically a big part of "carrying" games, a.k.a. playing a big role in winning the game. Because this role is so vital, the support (who would've guessed it) supports the ADC. She doesn't take any farm from the ADC (unless with a Relic Shield, but you're going to figure that one out for yourself ;P ) and instead focuses on protection. This can be provided in multiple forms (healing, being a meat-shield, keeping enemies away from your ADC which is called "peeling" and more).

If you want me to review one of your games, don't feel shy, I'd be glad to help. If you're interested, check here.

If you want some more basic knowledge, there are a lot of good guides here on Mobafire which don't focus on 1 champion, but instead focus on game-mechanics and strategies. I think it's a good idea to check out those.

Other than that, it's experience that makes the difference. We, as a Mobafire community, can provide you with all the theoretical knowledge you could want. However, it requires a good understanding of the game to master some of these aspects and strategies. I'd say you play as much games as possible, preferanly against actual opponents instead of bots. Find out where the "mute" button is, as the lower ranks can be especially toxic. Making mistakes is a part of your learning proces, so don't feel bad when a game goes badly. Instead, focus on what you could improve in your next game and implement it.

If you have any other questions, feel free to leave them here or on another place on the forums.


Thanks to myself for the signature ^^
Check out my Xerath guide
Ekki's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 17, 2016 6:12pm | Report
brad821536 wrote:
Edit - for support & adc,do they go in any lane or?
Whoops, didn't explain it because I didn't know how uninformed are you.

In LoL there is what is called a "meta" (from metagame, a bit of a more complex term with a slightly different meaning). The general meta, for as long as I have known it, has been:
- Solo TOP laner. Champions with some survivability, because the lane is long. Lots of tanks play here.
- Solo MID laner. Champions with a bit less survivability, so that they can escape faster in a shorter lane. Generally mages and assassins play in this lane.
- Duo BOT lane, with an ADC (attack damage carry, as stated above) and a SUPPORT (SUPP for short). The ADC is a ranged sustained damage champion (filter by "marksman" in the champion tab in-game), while the support is either a tank or a mage. The ADC takes the gold from the farm and the SUPP gains gold from a support item.
- One JUNGLE champion. The jungler must take Smite, buy one of the jungle starting items ( Hunter's Talisman and Hunter's Machete) and clear the jungle mobs while ganking* lanes in between that. Jungling is the most complex role and the bots don't do it. In low elos you often see 2 man top lanes, so it's hard to understand how useful is the jungler role when one of your teammates may be having a bad time in a 2v1 top. You should be OK by learning the other 4 roles for now though.

*ganking means appearing in a lane, often from as behind as possible, mostly trying to get a kill on the enemy laners.

Then there's the "champion" meta (nobody calls it like that, people just use "meta" to refer to both meanings) which is made of the most played champions, quite often the strongest ones. People are less picky about this "meta". You shouldn't care about this right now.

One last note: What I described here is the "meta". It doesn't mean you can't win if you don't play like that. It only means that's the most common way and some people will be expecting you to play by that norm (it's probably the best way to play if you intend to win though).
brad821536's Forum Avatar
Aug 16th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 17, 2016 7:02pm | Report
Awesome, thank you guys for being so helpful & answering my questions as well as posting some advice. I have yet to go into PvP because I don't believe i'm good enough yet.i just hit level 7 so ill keep experimenting with what champions i like best, etc... thank you all for the very helpful information. much appreciated!
fallenrebel's Forum Avatar
Aug 20th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 20, 2017 10:21pm | Report
You should try to learn one role and stick to it. Trying too many champions out just starting out might be a lot to take in. I would suggest muting people if you can't handle criticism. I hope you enjoy your time, this can be one of the funnest and most frustrating games out there. You can check out 5 Quick Tips On How To Climb Elo In League Of Legends. Have fun out there!

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