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Draven Tips?

Creator: Re4XN June 28, 2016 10:24am
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 28, 2016 10:24am | Report
Anyone who plays Draven decently has any tips for a guy just starting out? I know the basics of how to play and some advanced stuff (I can consistently keep 2 axes going), but I am having a lot of trouble in my laning phase against aggressive supports.

Maybe it's just my support doing it wrong, but I have had terrible results against the likes of Karma, Thresh, Braum and any other supports who can afford to go ham. The ADC matchup is not always the problem, most of the time an axe or two to the face makes them fall back, but when they have aggressive supports it's really hard for me.

The bully doesn't like to get bullied back. How do I deal with this?

Another question: when do you get BT 1st item? When your support has no heals or are the cases more varied than that? (I hate the GB > DD build, don't make me build that :< pls)

This and any other tips are welcome. Thanks in advance.
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 28, 2016 10:36am | Report
A Thresh going in on a Draven should be his death sentence, if you get what I'm saying.

I'll be on my way now.
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 28, 2016 11:11am | Report
If you get a kill and can afford an item, go back for it. Even if it's really small. The free AD from axes is super important all the time.

Always lead your axes back towards your tower, or behind creeps, if you can help it. This stops the Death Sentence/ Winter's Bite/ Inner Flame/Other poke skills from being as effective. A little early lifesteal is good, but your key items are BFS, BFS and BFS. An early Zeal/Crit glove is cool too because, hey, crit is great. Works super well with your axes. BT doesn't seem like a good first item 9/10 times. Just go for the big damage, big crits, etc. Essence reaver is pretty nice because mana on crits is what you need to sustain Bloodrush/Axes if you drop one on accident.

E is obviously low damage, but sometimes it's worth to throw it out just for the mini-stun if you just threw an auto, because you can't attack immediately after anyway since your AS will be super low.

And honestly, just keep going ham on people. If you dodge a poke skill, make an Axe trade. You will outdamage them almost every time. Especially if you've got 2 up and they don't have any real answers.

Specific matchups though?
Leona: Stand Aside IMMEDIATELY after she hooks you with Zenith Blade to knock her out of it. Same with anyone that has a dash who's trying to gank you, except Maokai. Can't knock away the untargetables.
People with strong shields: Bait a shield and then switch targets.
Healers: Focus the healer actually. IF they're healing themselves, they're not healing the ADC and you can keep making good trades.
Thresh/Blitz/Nami: Cry gently because that **** is rough. You have a telegraphed area where you want to be, and Nami can stun around minions. Dropping axes is okay here if you would get shat on for it.

Thank you to jhoijhoi for the sig, and all the dividers in the guide.

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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 29, 2016 6:26am | Report
Thanks for the tips, man! Controlling where the axes fall is really easy, I just need to be extra careful in specific matchups, as you said. I also find the axe mark to be quite a powerful zoning tool, though it feels like a double edged sword, since they know where I am likely to go next.

Stand Aside is now my favourite ability in the game. Say goodbye to Kha'Zix, Hecarim, Leona and the like xD It's a bit hard to use, but it'll go there with practice. I am not sure if this cancel's Thresh's gap closer though. Haven't tried.

What about items like Phantom Dancer? Is it worth it? And is Essence Reaver really worth to get on Draven since by the time he runs out of mana, people around him are dead? W resets cost a lot, but shouldn't be problematic (except early on).
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 29, 2016 7:07am | Report
Trust me, when you're in teamfights popping 3+ axes and W resets, the mana really adds up. And if you're out of mana in a teamfight that's going long for some reason, you won't have any way to disengage if it slowly starts to go south.

It may be more of a personal choice than a 100% required one, but it feels like I do a lot worse without it than with it.

And yes, you can stop the second part of Death Sentence. As long as they're not untargetable during the dash, you're good to stop them with Stand Aside.

Thank you to jhoijhoi for the sig, and all the dividers in the guide.

Ekki's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 29, 2016 9:22am | Report
The solution is aiming your axes to safe zones and letting them drop if the enemy support has a clear shot on it. But anyways, long story short: Draven's axes are telegraphed so big skillshots counter him.

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