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Good Build Guides for a former CB tester?

Creator: MakoSt0rM May 15, 2011 6:32pm
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MakoSt0rM's Forum Avatar
May 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 15, 2011 6:32pm | Report
I used to play in CB, but after it went open, I stopped playing and focused on MW2. After ditching Cod for the overrated campfest that it is, I turned back to LoL and started fresh from Lvl.1. I did pretty badly until I discovered a build on the LoL forums concerning Master Yi with the Gunblade

(Dorans Ring- Vamp Scepter- Boots- Phantom Dancer/Gunblade (whichever is more important)- Phantom Dancer/ Gunblade (whichever I didnt get)- Infinity Edge- 2 more Phantom Dancers, build by Valderami)

I was PWNING HARD for the first few matches, and then, as I fought better and better players, My score started slipping.

It was basically a spam build, so as soon as I went up against players who actually used Phantom Dancers or Bloodthirsters besides me, I got my arse kicked.

I'm wondering what solid builds I can use against decent players using these champions: (I'm Lvl.7 atm)


Ashe (I used the Top rated MFire build for her, but additional ones would be welcome.)

Corki (Used to play him alot, I hear Corki's top-tier in ranked)


Master Yi






I'd like to get familiar with builds that I can benefit from when I hit the Lvl cap, but that don't rely on masteries or runes for maximum effect. Thanks for taking the time to read all this :)

Here's my youtube channel if you're interested, I do TF2 Commentaries. I'm hoping to add some LoL stuff once I get some solid builds tested.
Jebus McAzn
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 15, 2011 6:50pm | Report
It sounds like what you need isn't a better build, but a better playstyle.

First off, it would help us if you tell us what builds you use for the champions listed.

Watch some videos of professionals playing. If you want to learn how to play Corki, search up "Generalwiser Corki", because GeneralWiser has thousands of videos uploaded of professionals playing in solo queue ranked against other high ELO players.

That will teach you a lot of game knowledge.

Watch TreeEskimo's stream. I learned a lot.

Realize the importance of last hitting.

Also, another thing to note is that if you have boots and 2 or 3 of your main items, you SHOULD definitely build some defensive items, regardless of whether you're a tank or not.
MakoSt0rM's Forum Avatar
May 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 15, 2011 7:28pm | Report

It sounds like what you need isn't a better build, but a better playstyle.

First off, it would help us if you tell us what builds you use for the champions listed.

Watch some videos of professionals playing. If you want to learn how to play Corki, search up "Generalwiser Corki", because GeneralWiser has thousands of videos uploaded of professionals playing in solo queue ranked against other high ELO players.

That will teach you a lot of game knowledge.

Watch TreeEskimo's stream. I learned a lot.

Realize the importance of last hitting.

Also, another thing to note is that if you have boots and 2 or 3 of your main items, you SHOULD definitely build some defensive items, regardless of whether you're a tank or not.

Here are the builds I've used so far:

Ashe: Just Started playing her today: Used Mobafire's carry ranked games guide.

Master Yi: The aforementioned gunblade build, I need a jungling guide.

NuNu: AP Nunu:

Ryze: Used Mobafire's AP be Damned build. 0 kills, 4 Deaths, loss.

The other champs I haven't played yet, but need n00b-friendly guides for.

And yes, my playstyle needs a LOT of working on. I'll check out that live stream, sounds good.

Edit: I'm aware of the importance of Last Hitting. It's surviving confrontations with other champs without a spammy Yi build that I need working on.
Jebus McAzn
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 15, 2011 7:29pm | Report
Tree doesn't stream too much anymore but he has hours of games saved in his library.
<Altruistic Artist>
wRAthoFVuLK's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 15, 2011 7:59pm | Report
This is how LoL works.

20% build 50% skill 30% team.

if you have a **** team and/or a **** build you can still carry it out if you are good.

harder though if your team is ****.

Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
Xaioli's Forum Avatar
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Sep 11th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 15, 2011 9:15pm | Report
LoL is this. When it comes to outcomes of games, it's

90% Skill, 10% team.

Why it's completely true?

10% Team - People can feed. It's possible. It'll happen here and there, but most of the times, it'll come to the player's themselves.

90% Skill - If you're truly good, you'll easily win your lane and feed yourself. Then, raping EVERYONE in other lanes.

Real sick of people complaining about bad teams. Get some skill and carry them yourself. If it seems directed towards Wrath, it is. It's also towards everyone in 'low elo'. 99% of players in 'low elo' deserve to be in it.

B-Wong's Forum Avatar
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Jun 14th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 15, 2011 9:21pm | Report
MakoSt0rM wrote:

Here are the builds I've used so far:

Ashe: Just Started playing her today: Used Mobafire's carry ranked games guide.
Tbh that guide is pretty bad.

Master Yi: The aforementioned gunblade build, I need a jungling guide.
Gunblade on Yi? Ewwwwwwwwww.

NuNu: AP Nunu:
Pretty bad build. He's suggesting Spirit Visage. Terrible. If you do get RoA first you have to follow up with Banshee's in order to not get **** ****ed everytime you ult.

Ryze: Used Mobafire's AP be Damned build. 0 kills, 4 Deaths, loss.
The build is outdated. Ryze scales off of mana better than he scales with AP.

A part of your shortcomings as a player is due to the bad builds you're using. I suggest reading up the game mechanics and seeing the "what champion should I buy" build/guide by Jebus, it gives you a general guideline on what champion does what. From there you can research. "Ashe is a ranged DPS so you want to build AD on her." Once you learn roles and exactly what items do what, then you can throw random builds out your *** in-game and do fine.

MakoSt0rM's Forum Avatar
May 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 15, 2011 9:36pm | Report
B-Wong wrote:

A part of your shortcomings as a player is due to the bad builds you're using. I suggest reading up the game mechanics and seeing the "what champion should I buy" build/guide by Jebus, it gives you a general guideline on what champion does what. From there you can research. "Ashe is a ranged DPS so you want to build AD on her." Once you learn roles and exactly what items do what, then you can throw random builds out your *** in-game and do fine.

I had a bad feeling about the builds I was using (Except the Ashe build, I thought it was good.). While it's true that I need to do my homework on what items work on these champs, suggested guides would help tremendously. I scanned the "What champ do I buy" guide before, it's pretty good, but I should probably give it another read.

Thanks for the tips!
Xaioli's Forum Avatar
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Sep 11th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 15, 2011 10:44pm | Report
A lot of the guides on here are written by low elo people/people that did 1 good game as xxx champion. Use the item order like a guideline or a format. Then build according to your preference :)

<Altruistic Artist>
wRAthoFVuLK's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 15, 2011 11:42pm | Report
@B-Wong...that Ryze build he was using IS the one with mana items...

and @ Xaioli, I just said that you can still carry if you have a bad build and/or a **** team...but if a lot of people on your team are bad you can still easily lose even if you do do well...Critorious told me about a game a while ago where he went like 22-0 in ranked and they still lost...

Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
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