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Halp! How do I ADC?

Creator: Re4XN July 10, 2015 3:31am
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 10, 2015 3:31am | Report
I'm not exactly a new player, but I rarely play ADC (pretty much only when I am forced into the role) and I really want to learn this role. Yesterday, I played my 2nd ADC game and here is the result:

As you can see, I am pretty bad (though, this game was a really bad example, because Thresh left lane at level 2 and never came back, so I couldn't farm) and I could use some help. What I don't like about this role (and the reason why I've been avoiding it) is that you depend not only on yourself, but on another person.

I could really use some tips. What are good ADCs to start out (apart from Ashe)?
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 10, 2015 3:54am | Report
Well, I would highly recommend that you go into custom games and practice cs'ing vs AI, before going up against real players. (You should aim for ~100 at 10 minutes, but 85+ should suffice)

Always be mindful of level 2, as it creates opportunities for you and your opponents to all in easily and swing the lane in either party's favor. (It takes 6 melee minions and 3 caster minions to hit level 2 in a 2v2 lane, or the full first wave and 3 melees from the next one)

As for which ADCs I would recommend, I would probably start with Graves, Lucian and Tristana as all 3 have decent escapes and thus are safer picks for newer players + Graves and Lucian are very strong laners and have abilities that can easily blow people up, if they are not careful enough, as well as both of them having means to wave clear, if you are ever stuck defending a tower.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 10, 2015 1:07pm | Report
Yeah, I think I am going to do some bots... it is too late for me to practice in normals, since I get my ar*e handed to me. Early game is usually easy enough, but I tend to lose some farm over time. I am used to farm with melee champions, so this whole ranged champion concept is relatively new to me. Also, my friends tell me that Tristana is hard to play, should I keep going anyway? I noticed that she pushes the lane quite hard, not to mention she is a late-game champ. I think I'll stick to Ashe for the time being and maybe buy Graves along the way, I did pretty well with him when I was still climbing levels.
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Jul 8th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 14, 2015 12:02pm | Report
I haven't done much PVP, I mainly play coop vs AI, but I find Jinx very forgiving. Her primary switches between a machine gun and a rocket launcher. The rockets are great for poking the enemy as they have good range. They also have splash damage which makes killing minions very easy. The machine gun late game goes through towers like a blow torch through butter.
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 14, 2015 5:31pm | Report
As of today, Graves is a solid pick, and an easy-ish adc to play. He has low range and high nuke when close range, so you have to be mindful of when to go in and when to escape with your E. Ashe doesn't feel really easy to me since her rework, as you have to manage your Q stacks to cast it, and her lack of mobility doesn't really help.

When people want to start playing adc I always recommend Caitlyn. She's by far the safest pick, with the longest lvl 1 range and one built in escape+slow. You can easily stand far away from teamfights while kiting enemies.

Two quick disclaimers.
1. Adc's are, in my opinion, the most boring role as of today. You always build pretty much the same and just kite people. Luckily you have unique dudes like Kalista, Urgot, Ezreal that can build different things, but I wouldn't recommend them to start with the role. Maybe only blue Ezreal with Iceborn Gauntlet, to practice kiting (he really suffers early with that build though).
2. Always build Last Whisper as your third item not counting boots. It may sound like a random tip, but it's the reason why many people don't spike in damage until late-game and feel useless mid-game. I have come as far as to buy Infinity Edge, Zeal and Last Whisper when against a team with many tanks.

The rest is practice. Farm, kite and positioning.
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 20, 2015 8:36am | Report
Ekki wrote:
As of today, Graves is a solid pick, and an easy-ish adc to play. He has low range and high nuke when close range, so you have to be mindful of when to go in and when to escape with your E. Ashe doesn't feel really easy to me since her rework, as you have to manage your Q stacks to cast it, and her lack of mobility doesn't really help.

When people want to start playing adc I always recommend Caitlyn. She's by far the safest pick, with the longest lvl 1 range and one built in escape+slow. You can easily stand far away from teamfights while kiting enemies.

Two quick disclaimers.
1. Adc's are, in my opinion, the most boring role as of today. You always build pretty much the same and just kite people. Luckily you have unique dudes like Kalista, Urgot, Ezreal that can build different things, but I wouldn't recommend them to start with the role. Maybe only blue Ezreal with Iceborn Gauntlet, to practice kiting (he really suffers early with that build though).
2. Always build Last Whisper as your third item not counting boots. It may sound like a random tip, but it's the reason why many people don't spike in damage until late-game and feel useless mid-game. I have come as far as to buy Infinity Edge, Zeal and Last Whisper when against a team with many tanks.

The rest is practice. Farm, kite and positioning.

Thanks for the reply :) I will consider buying Caitlyn, her kit seems rather simple with no complicated mechanics. The thing is... starting to play ADC when I'm Silver II was a bad decision, because I am facing ADC mains (most likely) and they are way better than me. Though, truth be told, I suck at this role, but I am decently good at others, so if I don't succeed in this quest (lel) I have plenty of stuff to do.
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 20, 2015 6:25pm | Report
Re4XN wrote:
The thing is... starting to play ADC when I'm Silver II was a bad decision, because I am facing ADC mains (most likely) and they are way better than me.
Yeah, I get you here. My "never played this" role is mid, and I remember my first time playing Ahri a few weeks ago because I was matched against a diamond V Vladimir main. Soooo, yeah, the sooner you make it, the easier it will be. You can also play with bronze V people or something like that so you aren't the actual worst player of your team :P
It's still a good idea that you have a go-to champion in case you absolutely have to play the role, because one day you may have to fill that in a ranked game and it will totally suck. In that case, again, Caitlyn is a really solid pick with little countering, so you won't have to be afraid of most matchups.

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