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is it bad luck or is it really me?

Creator: Six Nails September 12, 2011 12:11pm
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theBMB's Forum Avatar
Feb 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 12, 2011 5:17pm | Report
also, don't play if you're on a losing streak, take a break otherwise you're guaranteed to keep losing due to a snowballing bad mood and negative attitude
DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2011 10:42am | Report
Six Nails wrote:

my ratios are positive being 3.9, 3.2, 7.6 so im not the guy feeding.

Wrong mentality.

Kill death average means **** all in this game. Literally doesn't mean anything.

The only thing that matters is how strong you are, and how strong your opponents are, and if they're stronger, what can you do to win without fighting them on their terms, or simply delay the game long enough for your team to catch up and become strong again.

Low Elo players basically fight too much when they get behind. If your team starts to lose fights, tell them to stop fighting, turtle, and farm until you've leveled the playing field and you can win fights.

Don't group with them. That sounds odd, but when they see you there those low Elo tards will just rush into a fight and you'll lose it of course because your team is weak, and those are the moments where they take 3-4 towers or inhibs or barons.

So when I know my team is weak, I literally just don't group. I don't want them to have the false confidence to think they can win a fight off of a tower.

Forcing them to turtle and farm, they have no other option if they want to win.

Keep baron warded, a weak team that fights the other stronger team on Baron can often times win a fight with baron's help. Keep in mind you can still lose and try to judge if it's a fight that can be won. Have your jungler try to smite steal it otherwise, it's worth his death if he gets it.

Keep at it mostly, you're probably not very good yet, and have a lot of learning to be done. More games and more experience will help you grow as a player.

I would recommend more normals before you go back to ranked.
Six Nails
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Jun 1st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2011 12:17pm | Report
well ratio does mean something cause if you die 10 times a game you are doing something wrong. Im not saying im good or bad because of my ratio, im just saying my average 3 deaths is not putting my team in a hole every game. also if you dont group up how do you not get ganked? and finally how can you stage a come back if they have several towers, barons, and dragons on you, or literally have all the dragons and barons?
DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2011 2:36pm | Report
What if I die 10 times in a row with Fiddle, and my ult causes 3 champions to die every time, but I only get credit for 5-10 kills over the course of 10 team fights..?

Then essentially I was successful and won my team the game, yet my record shows lots of deaths.

I generally play mobile offtanky champions, and my items support that (Trinity or Force of nature, etc.) So when they come for me, the chase will waste a lot of their time.

Wasting time is what you want during those phases of the game when you're behind. You want to delay the opponent's push power as long as possible.

Also, as long as I'm alive the enemy has to hesitate when trying to get dragons/barons.

I'm very good at stealing them.
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