Just like my Poppy, "Muahaha, I am immortal! and I will chase you for 2 miles around the map until I realize I'm no longer invincible to everything else."
Personal habitual activites? Utilizing gargantuan idioms to fabricate intelligence.
"It's a colloquial shorthand that means the paradigm exists because of how the game works mechanically. Hence, "the Meta." Stop being a useless pedant." - PlayGooYa
"It's a colloquial shorthand that means the paradigm exists because of how the game works mechanically. Hence, "the Meta." Stop being a useless pedant." - PlayGooYa
*Bump*, instead of creating a new thread i'll just post my champion selection matters here.
So far I got : Dr.Mundo, Master Yi, Jax, and Olaf.
and once again I have got 3150 IP, and I cant decide between:
Cho'Gath, Shen, Pantheon, and MordeKaiser
I'm looking for a champion who is effective, over-powered (lul i iz newb), and fun ;D!
Thanks again babes <3
So far I got : Dr.Mundo, Master Yi, Jax, and Olaf.
and once again I have got 3150 IP, and I cant decide between:
Cho'Gath, Shen, Pantheon, and MordeKaiser
I'm looking for a champion who is effective, over-powered (lul i iz newb), and fun ;D!
Thanks again babes <3
Shen is definitely the best out of the four, but you probably won't have as much fun playing him as you will with Cho'Gath, Pantheon, or Mordekaiser.
Shen has the best team utility and a fantastic ultimate that's great for ganking people or escaping others. He's got decent damage and is unreliant on mana, so he can lane forever early game. Since you have Mundo, you know what that feels like. :P
Cho'Gath takes time to master, but once you're stomping down mid lane with 6 Feast stacks, Warmog's, Atma's Impaler, and 250 armor/magic resist, you are just terrifying to behold.
Pantheon has a very fun ultimate but is much squishier than the other champions mentioned. He can really dish out incredible damage both early and late game.
Mordekaiser used to be my main, but since they nerfed him, I'm not sure if playing him is as effective as it was a month ago (I wouldn't know, I haven't played him for a while). Still, he's an incredible harasser and if he's fed, he can literally tank 5v1s by just standing there, popping his W, and spamming his skills. There are some really good Mordekaiser builds as well and he's very fun to play.
Out of the four, I'd buy Mordekaiser personally, since Shen doesn't suit my playstyle. If you want the best buy for your IP, it's definitely Shen.
Shen has the best team utility and a fantastic ultimate that's great for ganking people or escaping others. He's got decent damage and is unreliant on mana, so he can lane forever early game. Since you have Mundo, you know what that feels like. :P
Cho'Gath takes time to master, but once you're stomping down mid lane with 6 Feast stacks, Warmog's, Atma's Impaler, and 250 armor/magic resist, you are just terrifying to behold.
Pantheon has a very fun ultimate but is much squishier than the other champions mentioned. He can really dish out incredible damage both early and late game.
Mordekaiser used to be my main, but since they nerfed him, I'm not sure if playing him is as effective as it was a month ago (I wouldn't know, I haven't played him for a while). Still, he's an incredible harasser and if he's fed, he can literally tank 5v1s by just standing there, popping his W, and spamming his skills. There are some really good Mordekaiser builds as well and he's very fun to play.
Out of the four, I'd buy Mordekaiser personally, since Shen doesn't suit my playstyle. If you want the best buy for your IP, it's definitely Shen.
Woop thanks alot for the advice, im seriously loving shen, i feel like i just cant die xD!
btw hows amumu? I always wanted to try him out :O!
btw hows amumu? I always wanted to try him out :O!
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"It's a colloquial shorthand that means the paradigm exists because of how the game works mechanically. Hence, "the Meta." Stop being a useless pedant." - PlayGooYa