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Lux advice.

Creator: Ixtellor November 15, 2016 1:21pm
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Ixtellor's Forum Avatar
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 15, 2016 1:21pm | Report
I have been trying to learn some new champs and have grown to love Lux mid.
1) How do you keep CS high? I notice that even with several items I can't one shot a wave with my E. I have tried lu echo item and it helps, but my cs hasn't been as good as it is on other mid laners.

2) I have gotten good at doing a full comob with ult and getting solo kills, but how often should you save your ult to roam and snipe/steal dragon, etc.

3) Best boots? I have been going between CD and sorc boots.

4) My KDA's have been insane, but I feel ineffective versus tanks, any advice? (Even with full build + sorc potion -- I can' barely hurt the big tanks)

5) I have been very successful with no tank items, pure AP, but all my games have been in normals. Does she need to be tanky to be more effective in longer fights?
I used to care about KDA, now I care about CS and Objectives.
jokersprank's Forum Avatar
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Sep 29th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 15, 2016 2:05pm | Report
I don't play Lux anymore but I think I can answer most questions.

1.) Due to her passive, Riot made the decision that you can't wave clear as nice :P Most people just auto attack once the caster minions, the ones in the back line and just throw their E and detonate. You have to farm with her mainly with auto attacks anyway. However, when I'm too lazy I just E, detonate and ult the wave. The cooldown of final spark is pretty low.

2.) I don't know what you mean with saving. If you have vision on the target then use your ultimate. Sometimes you don't hit but that isn't so bad if your team was in the first place to contest dragon. Just try to do your best and don't hestiate if you think it works.

3.) Both are good but sorc is better against squishies and lucidty better against champions with lots of mobility where you need to flash a lot. Generally, I would want to max CDR and there are lucidity pretty handy.

4.) Build a lot of CDR and try to kite them with your CC, perfect targeting with skill-shots is required. Tanks are easy to kite and are only effective if they can get of their CC. In this situation support or try to keep your mate with the highest DPS (mostly ADC) alive. Also build sorc's and void staff earlier (3rd or 4th), because %mpen applies before flat mpen, so more mpen=better. If you can afford, but only buy it later in the game, then buy Liandry's Torment. I had a discussion with lux mains and they sweared it's great but I prefer high AP items :P I think the item is better when the enemy has ocean drake. The burn tick depends on current health I think.

5.) In extended trades she does better with max CDR, 45% is pretty good. Tank items don't help her at all. She's is very vulnerable without spells, so I rate CDR higher. Moeover, her range is really long, you would have to position poorly to die in extended trades. The distance between enemies and you should be your light binding range. I don't see many high elo lux player but so far RoA build isn't popular. If glass canon suits you, then go for it. Mastering Lux is about proper positioning, so you shouldn't really die unless you get 5 man ganked.
Thanks for the sig jhojhoi ♡
<Retired Admin>
PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 15, 2016 7:24pm | Report
1) It's painful but you basically have to last-hit like it's early game, except do it the entire game. It's hard to get to the point where you one-shot creeps. Use passive procs and E to farm and waveclear and don't be too afraid to use ult to clear if it's important that the wave dies quickly (such as pushing out before a recall). Make sure you are catching waves that push into your towers.

2) Don't save ult, it has a short cooldown. If you can hit a squishy champion with ult just do it. You don't even have to kill your lane opponent with it; sometimes just comboing and leaving them with 1/4 HP is enough to force them back or give you lane control.

3) I just buy whatever gets me to the CDR cap, so Sorcs if you're buying Morello's + Abyssal/Zhonyas (with 10% scaling runes), otherwise CDR boots are fine. Sorcs give pretty good damage though so I wouldn't fault you for going for more damage at the cost of 10% CDR.

4) Don't neglect Void Staff. I wouldn't worry about stuff like Liandry's very often. Just spam abilities and peel for your carries. Your snares and shields can win you a fight just as much as your burst damage.[/indent]

5) I have been very successful with no tank items, pure AP, but all my games have been in normals. Does she need to be tanky to be more effective in longer fights?

Nope, you don't need to be tanky. Just position yourself well and use your shield when you need to. That, plus whatever summoner you're running ( Ghost, Heal, Cleanse, Exhaust, Barrier) in addition to Flash should be able to keep you alive. She's basically the Janna of mages, super safe.
Thanks to Lugignaf for the sig!
LuxTheGreyWarden's Forum Avatar
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Jul 28th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 15, 2016 9:44pm | Report
Hey Ixtellor,

I'm only a Platinum player, whereas other people on here are Diamond or above, but I main Lux so maybe some of my advice will help?

1. Lux seems hard to farm with, but a lot of it takes practice- especially if you get pushed under the tower. What most people do is they just try to E the minion wave, but that actually messes the order of the minions up. Some will die at the same time and you won't be able to auto both at the same time unless you use your Q. If you use your Q, the enemy might try to jump on you (if they're smart) because now you are vulnerable. However, just last hitting minions can cause your opponent to push and you be forced to farm under the tower anyways. I would try to just auto the melee minions, if possible, but then use your E on the caster minions. This not only gives you some safety, but you might be able to hit the enemy with your E as well. When you hit the caster minions with your E, you can then kill them using your illumination passive. This will ensure all 6 minions. It's a little hard to explain without actually showing you, but I hope that all makes sense.

2. My philosophy always depends on who I am laning against. If they are an easy kill, I will just use my ultimate, kill them, push, maybe gank bot or top lane, and then go back. If I am against a hard lane, it's normally better to try to push the wave as hard as you can and then wander. You will have your ultimate up and can use it in the ganks. Never worry TOO MUCH about saving your ultimate, as it is a short cooldown (especially late game). With stealing dragons and such, I always try if I get the chance, but a higher elo jungle will 95+% of the time smite it before your ultimate goes off. If you are trying to steal it, at least line it up to hit the champions as well so it isn't fully wasted (if you have the time and positioning, you can even Q>E>R, steal dragon AND get a kill).

3. I almost always always get Sorcerer's Shoes, but Ionian Boots of Lucidity is really good if you need your summoner spells up more often or don't put full 40% (or 45% if you take Intelligence ) into your build. Always try to get Sorc shoes against teams who are stacking MR, as magic pen is really strong.

4. Against tanks, I always find it best to get Sorcerer's Shoes, Void Staff, and Liandry's Torment. In general, Lux will not be able to ever burst someone with high health/MR, but these items only help. Lux is known as a bursty mage, but she also has insane poke and great lockdown. This is where cooldown reduction comes into play. Constantly throwing out binds helps both your/your team safety, and can help kite- not to mention the slow on her E as well. Get Void Staff if many are building MR, and get Liandry's if they are health stackers. While most Lux mains might argue with me, there is NOTHING wrong with getting both. Liandry's gives 15MP, which will REALLY help out late game with your burst/poke. I extremely recommend getting both against a more tanky team, as it will really increase the amount of damage you do. I even sometimes get both even if they aren't super tanky, honestly.

5. Defensive items aren't the best on Lux, but there are alternatives. Zhonya's Hourglass is always a great defensive item, and I argue that so is Abyssal Mask if it is REALLY needed. Overall, I think it depends on the champions, honestly. Lux is about strategical positioning, meaning that you shouldn't need defensive items. However, with the new assassin update, playing as Lux can be scary. I'm not allowed to advertise my build, but many people, including myself, have info on who is good vs Lux. Check those out. If they have a strong CC/Assassin team and you don't feel fully comfortable, maybe it's best to pick a different mid laner that game. However, I personally think Lux is an amazing pick, especially for Soloque. She has amazing range, poke, and burst potential with CC locked into it- not to mention a shield to the whole team as well. Take Cleanse if they have CC, take Barrier for a more bursty comp, and Ghost if you need the movement. Flash should be an always.

If you have any more questions/comments/concerns/ANYTHING, I am totally here to help you out. Best of luck.

-TSM Luminos

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