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Miss fortune burst damage

Creator: blaisem September 1, 2011 8:57pm
blaisem's Forum Avatar
Aug 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 1, 2011 8:57pm | Report
Hello everyone, I am currently a level 20 player. With my limited IP funds, I've gone straight ArP marks, flat armor seals and MR/level glyphs(these runes I bought because they can be applied to all champions). Well the marks not so much for AP but I'm out of money.

I like the feel of MF, and I am looking to add an AD ranged carry to my champion list. I am having trouble dealing burst damage with her.

I buy: doran's blade, berserker greaves, phantom dancer, IE, guardian angel, stark's fervor, then frozen mallet. The mallet is influenced by guides here on mobafire. This is my theoretical build after three games with her, so I haven't finished it yet. Last game I got as far as chain vest for a guardian angel, and I got fervor at the very end so didn't see it in use.

tl;dr in advance : I am having trouble posing a credible threat in the laning phase, as opponents with high burst damage know they can trade pokes with me and come out ahead. I also don't seem to use ult properly and to me I often deal relatively little damage for an ult when used (maybe a third of a life bar if opponent receives most of the duration). These two problems mean that in mid and late game, against a good team, I have no burst in team fights. I have no burst with Q, W, and E, and my ult doesn't demolish anyone. Those first crucial three seconds of a team fight I don't feel like I offer much. I can auto attack for good damage to bring a squishy down fast, but still not as fast as many champions, and to reach them I often move in the way of tanks, and of course as a carry I am focused down fast. Hell, to hit the squishy I have to get into range of him or her, whereupon the squishy often turns on me and we trade blows as both teams vie for us. Unfortunately, I often get outbursted! So how do I lane, use ult, and get that squishy? end tl;dr

I have noticed that in 1v1, champs like trynd, yi, and olaf outdamage me and win the fight. Olaf with his heavy axe throw poke and lightning bolt strike bursts me down so fast.

For example last game, in the laning phase, I laned mid against olaf. My team said I should have won lane easily. My problem was following: I started with doran's blade, so my movement speed is still base. Olaf was particularly good with his axe throw, and punished me if I moved in for a poke or a last hit on a minion near him. His axe throw outdamaged my Q, but the real kicker was that after the throw, I was slowed, and he would run up to my face and lightning bolt me and burst down a third to a half of my life. I could not stand even with him after he got level 3 or 4 and his lightning bolt. He had free reign to zone me as long as his Axe throw was available. If it landed, he could run in and burst way heavier than I could to deter him from just running right at me. Any idea what I should have done in this situation to have stopped him? Should I always start with boots? My teammate told me afterwards I should have hugged turret. Should I not push near turret? Olaf had a regrowth pendant and life steal with his vicious strikes. Before level 3, I had managed to land a few Q's that bounced on to him and left him with one bar before he got away. He used pot and regend after on minions under turret. Soon after, he poked me down so I had to b, whereupon I immediately bought boots. His Q missed more often with my increased movement speed, but just one hit let him run in and pulverize me. As my lifebar dropped, he became more and more aggressive and pushed me back. I was zoned half the time, and my pokes weren't strong enough as he would just regen. Any tips on what to do in this situation?

I have also noticed that my R, even against squishies, never seemed to do a whole lot of damage, maybe a third of their lifebar if I got nearly full duration on them. Half the time they could get out of it after a couple of seconds. I'm not sure of the mechanics of the ability, to maximize its damage. The description confuses me a little. It fires an array of bullets, does this mean more damage the closer I am? Any tips on how to position myself to maximize damage on a single opponent, and is it a common problem for MF keeping them within the ult blast radius?

Regarding the squishy, AP carry is usually in the back and deals high burst, so I want to reach him. He's hard to reach. Should I just aim for some melee carry instead? I feel like the AP carry has the greatest impact quickly and is the most important threat to neutralize, but I often die trying to get at him. Any ideas?

Thank you very much for your assistance!
<Altruistic Artist>
wRAthoFVuLK's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 2, 2011 2:53am | Report
not reading all of this

but she is just like other AD carries

get AD

and win

your spells don't do so much damage, really, besides your Q; ult is good for finishing ppl off and lowering everyone in teamfights; just use your W and auto attack *****es

hell, even a soraka and her flying bananas with an infinity edge, bloodthirster, phantom dancer, and black cleaver can **** **** up T_T

Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
UltimateHavok's Forum Avatar
Aug 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 2, 2011 9:00am | Report
Honestly, I'm not that big on MF. She can be very good, of course, however I feel their are better AD carries. MF doesn't really have burst, but if played right she has some decent game mechanics and ability to assist the team. When built correctly she hits pretty hard with her AAs and her Q.

Well, I agree you should start out with Doran's Blade with her. But if you're really having trouble manuevering around and getting hurt I suppose you could buy Boots of Speed and x3 health pots. Still I prefer Doran's Blade. Not many people start with Boots, and you should be pretty even with most champions speed. Doran's gives you that little extra boost of survivability and damage which helps early game.

With Olaf, he has to be close up and personal to really do damage, so don't let him get there. Kite the **** out of him. Dodge his Axe, it's not too hard unless you're really close, you can see the windup animation and then it doesn't travel too fast to dodge. Also, his "lightning" attack is true damage. That's why it hurts so bad. But it also damages him.

If you see him pop W (forget the name but his life stealing with strikes ability), just back up and kite him. If he's trying to use it on minions to regain health then throw your slow over his head and make him pay.

Remember a few things. Your Q hits two people and it hits the second for 125% damage I believe the ratio was. If he's just out of range behind some minions, use your Q on the minion just infront of him and the backlash will hurt him even more. It takes some practice to get the hang of, but it's worth it to master using. Also in team fights the same principle, if a weak enemy is trying to escape with some one in front you can do the same thing to them.

In team fights, try to stay in the back. MF doesn't have any outstanding escape mechanisms (bring flash) and is vulnerable when ganked. If you are being ganked, try popping your slow 'E' right in front of you in the path they'll have to run. It doesnt work as well in lanes but in jungle or paths like that it works a lot better. Often times people have just rightclicked on your and they still run into the slow if placed properly.

As for her ult, it is great to end a teamfight. Make sure you are behind your tanks or some one else in your team and that they are all grouped closely together. Pop your ult, and watch the bullets fly. The thing I don't like about her ult is how easy it is to get out of it if not placed properly. Try to make it so their team isn't too close or to far away from you. Try to center in your ult, maybe a little clsoer than far. You can even try popping you slow on them but you would need to instantly pop ult after because they would be trying to run out of slow already.

I don't play MF a whole lot, but these are just some of my tips from my experience with her. I'm not that big on this champ, but she can be fun and good to play.
My name is Havok.
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Six Nails
Six Nails's Forum Avatar
Jun 1st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 2, 2011 11:01am | Report
try getting damage first. i would have the bf sword be one of my first items,then build that into something.

Black cleaver is a good choice cause its stacks can devistate late game.

Or you can get infinity edge.

after that frozen mallet for you have more health and more damage.

also it will help her passive because you can close the gap with passive on, then when you hit them they are slow so you dont need your passive anymore really.

which is very nifty seeing how they would have probably hit you and dropped it :).

after that a starks would be nice.

its usually good to have life steal on squishy ad so you can survive better, and at this point attack speed should really come in, which starks also gives.

phantom dancer would also be nice for the crit and movement speed as well as attack speed.

i mean at this point the game should be over, either you won or lost, but if some how it isnt then a madreds (for heavy ad team) or wits end (for heavy ap team) so that way you get more armor or mag resist as needed and other goodies.

staying alive is key. o and if there is a jax, get sword of divine, period. also get good at last hitting to afford this stuff :)

but ya try damage first because it makes last hitting easier and itll make ppl back off when you hit for like 180 damage. i dont play her or any ad too much though but i got the theory of it pretty well.

im more of a tank ap kinda guy ;)
good luck!
theBMB's Forum Avatar
Feb 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 2, 2011 11:27am | Report
pro tip, your tl;dr shouldn't be longer than the paragraph it's describing.

If you're trying to get "burst" damage with an AD carry who isn't Vayne or Talon then you're playing them wrong. During the laning phase you should be taking advantage of your passive to poke the enemy with auto attacks, wittle them down until you can go in for the kill. A great MF player never gets hit so her passive is always up.
UltimateHavok's Forum Avatar
Aug 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 2, 2011 12:11pm | Report
theBMB wrote:

pro tip, your tl;dr shouldn't be longer than the paragraph it's describing.

If you're trying to get "burst" damage with an AD carry who isn't Vayne or Talon then you're playing them wrong. During the laning phase you should be taking advantage of your passive to poke the enemy with auto attacks, wittle them down until you can go in for the kill. A great MF player never gets hit so her passive is always up.

It can only be a pro tip if it comes from a pro.. ;)

But he's right about what he said. MF is not a burst champion, and shouldn't be playd as such. And yea, keeping your passive up is great because you said early game you lacked speed and thought of starting with boots, but with your passive up you have more than enough speed early game.
My name is Havok.
And yes, your mother loves me.

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Thanks to jhoijhoi!
theBMB's Forum Avatar
Feb 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 2, 2011 1:04pm | Report
Mf's passive gives you the equivalent of level 1 boots at the start of the game. It's better to start with a doran's blade. If you DO start with boots, you better commit to harassing the hell out of the enemy laner because that's what you'll be best for.
DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 9, 2011 9:21am | Report
I personally like a method that's somewhat faded out of popularity: 2-3 Doran's blades into The Black Cleaver into vamp scepter, into Infinity Edge, into Blood Thirster.

I don't play much MF but that's my basic build when I do.
theBMB's Forum Avatar
Feb 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 9, 2011 8:35pm | Report
why black cleaver first? your opponents won't have that much armor by the time you build it.
FlavoRTowN's Forum Avatar
Jul 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2011 3:54am | Report
theBMB wrote:

why black cleaver first? your opponents won't have that much armor by the time you build it.

iirc, if armour goes negative then you do more damage (devil's advocate here XD)

I think you could build MF similar to ashe (how i play anyways) where you get the initial BF sword kinda early, then transition towards a crit based build. I think in terms of pure damage, MF does the most (imo) but less utility to other hard carries (like ashe's arrow and eagle for example)
So i think focus on flat damage (bloodthirster etc) then late game focus on crit (IE, phantom dancer combo). Of course all situational but this should be the main priority.

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