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New player, looking for guidance

Creator: kingvillan March 7, 2017 3:59am
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Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 7, 2017 11:09pm | Report
At 3 weeks of playtime you're not going to have improved much. Even after level 30, most players aren't very good yet. It takes at least 100-200 wins before you're a decent player. So the best advice is to just keep playing, and you'll slowly improve.

That said, it isn't a bad idea to read up on some guides, on support or on Blitzcrank and learn some stuff in theory. Practice is the most sure way you're going to improve though :)

Some people suggested Thresh, but he's very expensive. I'd try him out on free rotation before buying him. Janna is a cheap and easy support that can teach you a lot about reacting quickly, playing squishy champions, protection oriented supporting (as opposed to what Leona and Blitz do). You can get Alistar for free by subscribing to the league youtube channel; he's a tank, similar to Leona and Blitzcrank. Morgana is also cheap and an introduction, if you will, to poke/burst/AP supports.

Good luck and welcome :)

thank you jhoijhoi for the signature <3
kingvillan's Forum Avatar
Mar 7th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 8, 2017 5:20am | Report
Jhoijhoi - I'm sitting on about 6,000 (or somewhere around that) right now, mainly because I did decide on purchasing Blitzcrank. Also I think trying out some ARAM's could be a fantastic idea; so thanks a lot for that! Also perhaps I was a bit too predictable playing him, I only really used the pull into knock-up, never really did it any other way, so thanks for that too!

MissMaw - Thanks for the nice welcome! Yeah after checking Thresh I noticed he was pretty expensive :c, but Janna, Alistar and Morgana I could definitely give a go. I wasn't aware you were able to get Alistar for free by subscribing to their channel; are there any other champions which are obtainable for free?

Again thanks for the really helpful responses guides, massively appreciated!
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 8, 2017 5:43am | Report
You can also get Tristana from liking their Facebook page and Garen from following their Twitter :) All three of these come with a skin as well!

by jhoijhoi
kingvillan's Forum Avatar
Mar 7th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 8, 2017 6:55am | Report
Ahh, wasn't aware! Thank you very much for telling me this! :D
kingvillan's Forum Avatar
Mar 7th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 21, 2017 7:27am | Report
Hi guys,

Pushing this up a bit, with a few more questions!

It's now been nearly 2 months since that post, and boy have I loved and hated the whole LoL experience thus far! I have been sitting on level 30 for a while now, progressively building up some generic rune pages. My question is, when do you think would be a suitable time for me to start playing ranked?

I have been swapping around between roles and champions often, but now I have settled on a few that I enjoy the most, for supports I have found Leona and Soraka most successful for me. I did try out some other roles too, and actually found top lane Irelia to be super enjoyable, and perhaps the most fun I've had since I started. I just feel like the inconsistencies I have with champions is a bit bad in truth, I just wanna know if you guys managed to find your 'main' champion and if so, how you managed to do it!

Anyway guys on a final point I'd like to say a big thanks to you all! I think the advice you guys gave to me helped shape me as a player (at this point in time at least!)
Ekki's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 21, 2017 5:30pm | Report
You can start playing ranked whenever you feel like it.

Some people will tell you to not start playing ranked before having over 500 games*. The idea is that you would be close to Silver V / Bronze I level when starting ranked, which is the rank you're assumed to be as a starting point in your first placement. If you start too green (or too bronze hehe), you'll probably drop and have a harder time climbing once you get better. Then again, you'll learn faster by playing ranked if you play to learn. And that's even if you drop, since ranked games have a more serious feel than normals. Just pick the poison you like the most, knowing the downsides of each.

*You can check your normal wins + losses after finishing a normal game, it's right above the champion stats, around the victory/defeat sign to the left. The win/loss ratio of your first 500 games is the closest thing to an indicator of skill we have before level 30, so I really liked the stat when I discovered it. My ballpark estimation for first 500 games is 300W/200L as a great time to start and 200W/300L as a baseline (if you're below that then maybe you should practice more).

Maining a champion is a similar choice where both options can work. It's generally recommended to pick one "main" champion as soon as you find one you like, **** Huap made a nice video about why. The tl;dr is: you get more time to get better at other aspects of the game when playing a champion whose kit you already know. But even if you don't pick one main, it's still recommended that you try to have a small pool of "preferred" champions falling within 2-3 roles, so you get similar results by maining a role instead of a single champion.

Lastly, remember that LoL is a game where lots of different skills are polished, so you'll always be better at some and worse at others than your enemies/allies. It's not rare to see mechanically good players saying they're "stuck" in bronze but they don't have good decision making in the long run, or mechanically bad players (hi there) climbing with strategic play.

Either exploit your strengths to cover for your weaknesses or learn from those that are better than you within your games. And feel free to ask anything about the game in the general discussion subforum, the competitive scene subforum or the Q&A section, some of us really enjoy answering that kind of questions :D
Ekki's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 21, 2017 5:37pm | Report
Oh, also, for some shameless self-promotion:
I made a blog post/guide on rune pages, you might like it if you don't want to blindly buy the recommended rune pages from champions you're maining only to find those runes aren't too useful outside of your champion. The guide might be a little outdated in some places, but I think it's still a decent starting point.
kingvillan's Forum Avatar
Mar 7th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 22, 2017 3:09pm | Report
Thanks for the response Ekki, very helpful as usual! I'm sure your rune page blog will be massively useful, as I am normally confused as to what I should use.. so thanks a bunch for that too!
freddy66623's Forum Avatar
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Apr 21st, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 2, 2017 1:44pm | Report

Hi there,

I have just created my first build that I think is public worthy! Im hoping to get some feedback from you guys on what could improve.
(please keep it constructive)

I am really happy to have found this place to hangout with you guys and learn on improving my guide building skills, I have noticed its somewhat the same as Website Designing and have found some peace and happyness making it.

Who am I?

I am a 24 year old fulltime streamer and have created a place where all donations go to giving back to my community so if you are looking for a daily place to chill and win some Daily RP Cards then HashtagGaming is the place to be.

See you in the Nexus!

Freddy V
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