Don't trust people on mobafire. they'll act like they're friendly but then as soon as you open up to them they'll downvote your guide and call you mean names. trust me it happened to me just because i was trying to spread the truth about the most op champ mordekaiser
If you want you can check out my Mordekaiser Guide Once a month I update it daily.
windmills wrote:
Don't trust people on mobafire. they'll act like they're friendly but then as soon as you open up to them they'll downvote your guide and call you mean names. trust me it happened to me just because i was trying to spread the truth about the most op champ mordekaiser
I'll downvote your guides anytime bby <3
Vynertje wrote:
I'll downvote your guides anytime bby <3
I'm not gonna fall into your trap. been friendzoned too many times to fall for that one m'lady. less than three to you too
If you want you can check out my Mordekaiser Guide Once a month I update it daily.
windmills wrote:
I'm not gonna fall into your trap. been friendzoned too many times to fall for that one m'lady. less than three to you too
I'm glad you can tell Vyne is a lady. She's been trying to fool us into believe her peen is real for months now, but you can tell it's not by the way she mains support
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